Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trump Signals Regret China Trade War Has Escalated

Trump at the G7 in Biarritz, France
UPDATE 2 Below: Bizarre 

The erratic US president is at it again. Let us hope he stays in his latest mode.

President Trump now expresses regret that his trade war with China had spiraled into an international quagmire, answering “yes” when a reporter asked this morning in Biarritz, France at the G7 meeting if he regretted the way things had played out, reports The Washington Post.

Asked if he was rethinking the way things had escalated between the two countries, Trump responded “Yeah, sure why not. Might as well. Might as well. I have second thoughts about everything.”

He also appeared to dramatically dial back his threat to force U.S. companies to stop doing business with China, something he had insisted he had the power to do despite international alarm, according to The Post.

Heroically, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson shot down the president's trade war.

According to The Post:
Trump did appear sensitive to the growing international anxiety about his showdown with China. He told reporters Sunday morning that so far no foreign leader had challenged him on his approach. Second later, Johnson did.
“Just to register the faint, sheeplike note of our view on the trade war,” the British prime minister said, “we’re in favor of trade peace on the whole. We think that on the whole the U.K. has profited massively in the last 200 years from free trade.”
And just like that crazy hair man outshined combover man.




Via CBS 

President Trump's only regret in hiking tariffs on China is that he didn't raise them higher, his press secretary said Sunday after the president had earlier signaled some remorse for an escalating trade war with China.

Well, trade-hater Peter Navarro got to him. It is just good this is all occurring over the weekend, otherwise, we would be in the middle of a 1,000 point swing in the stock market.


  1. Would not be surprised to see 50% tariffs coming. Economy is so "un-free" now it is a joke. Just one manipulator vs another.

  2. Free trade is a two way street. How can the US have free trade with China if China does not allow free trade with the United States?
