Walter Block |
Walter Block emails:
Dear Bob:Here Are Two Petitions; One To Tet Me Fired, The Other, A Counter Petition, To Get Me A RaiseAs far as I’m concerned, no publicity is bad publicity, as long as they spell my name correctly. They have done so here, so I am grateful to them. Perhaps, with this added publicity, those who want to see me be fired from Loyola will be led to read what I have actually written, published, said, about these issues. I thank Anton Chamberlin for setting up a counter petition.Here is the critical petition:Here is the petition that supports me [From Anton Chamberlin ]:I decided to take it upon myself to start a counter-petition, if you will, one demanding you be given a raise. I know you get baseless attacks thrown your way all the time, but this time it really got under my skin. You’re a wonderful friend and mentor, Walter. I’m beyond thankful for the time I spent at Loyola with you. It’s an honor to call you my friend. Anyway, here’s MY petition. Anton ChamberlinBest regards,WalterWalter E. Block, Ph.D.Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of EconomicsLoyola University New Orleans
The comments on the fire block petition show they haven't read his material. But SJW will always lie to get their way
ReplyDeleteI see that the "give Block a raise" petition has almost three times as many signatures as the "fire Block" petition.