Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Most Frightening Thing Joe Biden Said Last Night

Joe Biden

President Trump throughout the debate last night tried to frame Joe Biden as a radical leftist. Biden denied it time after time.

But it was Biden himself who provided the tell that he does indeed side with radical leftists and I am talking frightening radical leftist concepts.

At about 30 minutes into the debate, Biden said, "It’s about equity and equality. It’s about decency. It’s about the constitution. And we have never walked away from trying to require equity for everyone, equality for the whole of America."

Now, notice that he says he wants "equity and equality," so it is not a case of his confusing equity for equality.

The term equity as a political term is only used by the radical left.

It is a horrific concept right out of something like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

On the Joe Rogan show, Tim Pool did a masterful job of explaining equity as viewed by the left

Here is the graphic Pool references:

The roughly first six minutes of this clip is where Pool explains equity.

This is how a society functions best: Freedom from statist barriers.

A policy of equity introduces all kinds of barriers, especially for the talented and skilled. The removal of statist barriers is the best solution.

You don't want anyone who supports equity to be anywhere near the White House or near any other point of political power.



  1. Emphasis on the first six minutes of the clip, got a headache because I left that video running too long and Pool slides into typical incoherent socialism.

    1. Yeah, me too. So, according to Pool, investments are bad? Sheesh!

  2. I really hate this graphic /example when I have seen it because the people looking over the fence are supposed to be paying to get in, not helping each other steal more. And then with this version the whole fence is removed and labeled liberation.

    1. Ditto, no one sees the fence as the state (I never did).

    2. That is indeed a problem with the graphic. We don't know if this is a paid admission game or if it's not. Furthermore the outfield fence is part of the game of baseball as it indicates the limits of the field and what constitutes a home run. That really fouls up the liberation slide.

      The entire graphic is problematic which is typical of the things the equity types come up with. It should be reworked with a natural vista and a natural barrier or something more along those lines.

    3. Lolbertarians against borders...

  3. What Pool fails to realize is that the solution to having the wealthy gaining too much political power is, as RW often says, to eliminate the power center - not to eliminate wealth...

  4. Biden also said something else that made me sit-up and take notice: He was addressing Critical Race Theory (although he mis-labeled it "Racial Sensitivity") and said something along the lines of "We have to make people understand what's offensive, be more empathetic and kind, make people treat each other more kindly"... It reeked of brain-washing, re-education, coercion and Maoist Struggle-sessions..

  5. The thing that personally scared me the most is when he said “when I’m president”.

  6. The thing that personally scared me the most is when he said “when I’m president”.

  7. There's a LOT about him that scares me---his allegiance to the climate change scam, his belief that something like the Green New Deal will pay for itself, and his commitment to lock down the country if the "scientists" tell him to.

    1. Yes indeed, there was nothing he said then, or has said before, that is not concerning. Not to mention his overload of his past 47 years of baggage in politics...
