Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Report on the Hiring of Some Illegal Immigrants

I must state to begin with, so I don't get into any trouble with any authorities, that while the headline above references "illegal immigrants," in the story below that I am about to report, I have no idea whether the two Mexicans I hired were actually illegals or Stanford students in the U.S. on student visas picking up a little extra weekend cash.

Since they were freelancers who did work for me for just two hours, it does not appear that I was required to check their immigration status.

Here's the story.

Because of the crash in rental prices in San Francisco, I am taking advantage of the situation and moving into larger spectacular new office space for a lower price.

This means I am moving all my books. I have a lot of books, boxes and boxes of them when packed (about 25 mostly hardcover books per box).

This weekend started the big move and so I headed down to the local Home Depot to hire a couple of the Mexicans who hang around the store parking lot looking for odd jobs.

I am roughly of average height, 5' 11", when I approached the Mexicans, the first thing I noticed was how short they are. When you really have a bunch of them standing around you, it becomes very noticeable as opposed to when you just pass them on the street. I would guess that the tallest among them was 5' 7".

I hired two.

This is what really surprised me.

As you can guess boxes of books are heavy. I can lift one and carry it without struggle but it is heavy. I can carry two at the same time and it is going to be a bit of a strain but still doable if I am not carrying the boxes too far.

I wouldn't even attempt trying to carry three boxes of books.

The Mexicans carried three boxes for me from office to truck and then in reverse order, seeming without strain.

Their strength really surprised me.

Of course, as I expected they were hard-working, careful with the boxes and got the job done in no time.

If you need help with odd jobs, especially if strength is required, head down to your local Home Depot.

That is unless you are an immigrant hater--then I guess you can see if you can find a couple of college white boys to do the heavy lifting.



  1. I've certainly employed a lot of Stanford grads in Houston. Those hard working students are seemingly everywhere.

    1. I'd ask to see their GPA's, but my Spanish isn't that good.

  2. Yeah, we know how libertardians love human debris from south of the border and 'muh cheap labor'. America should let the entire turd world move in. Libertardianism at its best! If RW catches a bout of some untreatable TB, well, we know why.

  3. "I must state to begin with, so I don't get into any trouble with any authorities..."

    -- While I wouldn't want to put RW at risk, it would be a delight if the "authorities" were reading EPJ or TL!

  4. In many years of living in Southern California we hired quite a few visitors on a freelance basis to do heavy landscape work such as digging. The best workers were the Guatemalans. They usually had families back home and were not planning to stay permanently.
