Dr. Walter Block |
Here is a list of recent articles published by Dr. Walter Block in referred journals. The number before each article represents the number that lists the order in which the article appeared relative to all the refereed articles he has published:
-RW590. Barrau, Anael Louisa, David Chávez Salazar and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Is Free Trade the Answer to Ending Poverty Worldwide? Haiti, a Case Study.” Review of Social and Economic Issues (RSEI), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 19-33; http://rsei.rau.ro/index.php/
last.html; http://rsei.rau.ro/images/ V2N1/2-Anael%20Louisa% 20Barrau.pdf
589. Seaman, Matthew and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Fahrenheit 451 and the Education System.” Political Dialogues: Journal of Political Theory; Vol. 27, pp. 55-62; https://apcz.umk.pl/
czasopisma/index.php/DP/issue/ view/1815; https://apcz.umk.pl/
czasopisma/index.php/DP/ article/view/DP.2019.010
588. Cooper, Aidan and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Why Malthus Will Always Be Wrong” Romanian Economic and Business Review. Winter, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 32-41; http://www.rebe.rau.ro/REBE-
587. Bateman, III, Thomas L. and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Libertarianism and hard determinism.” Molinari Review; Vol. 1, No. 2; https://aaeblog.com/2020/01/
02/molinari-review-i-2-what- lies-within/; http://praxeology.net/ molinari-review-order.htm#1.2
586. Futerman, Alan and Walter E. Block. 2019. “On Taleb on Ricardo: A Critique” Revista Procesos de Mercados; Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 81-102; https://docs.google.com/
viewerng/viewer?url=http:// www.procesosdemercado.com/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/02_ ART%C3%8DCULO.pdf&hl=es
585. Iglesias, David and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Universal Basic Income: A Critique.” Romanian Economic and Business Review; Fall, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 7-18; http://www.rebe.rau.ro/REBE-
584. Torsell, Christian and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Effective Self-Ownership and Property Schemes; Comment on G.A. Cohen” Revista Estudios Libertarios; Vol. 2, pp. 14- 27; https://www.
estudioslibertarios.com/en_US/ vol-2-2019/; 583. Hernandez, Alex and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Affirmative Action: Oppressive in Nature?” Acta Economica et Turistica; Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 85-101; https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.
php?show=toc&id_broj=18502; https://hrcak.srce.hr/index. php?show=clanak&id_clanak_ jezik=337339
582. Block, Walter E. 2019. “Rejoinder to Wysocki on Indifference and the Block-Hoppe Debate Thereon.” Dialogue; Vol. 4; pp. 1-7; https://www2.uni-svishtov.bg/
dialog/issue.asp?issue=345; https://www2.uni-svishtov.bg/ dialog/title.asp?title=1461
581. Jankovic, Ivan and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Private Property Rights, Government Interventionism and Welfare Economics.” Review of Economic Perspectives - Národohospodářský obzor; Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 365-397; DOI: 10.2478/revecp-2019-0019; https://content.sciendo.com/
view/journals/revecp/revecp- overview.xml?language=en&tab_ body=latestIssueToc-68822; https://content.sciendo.com/ view/journals/revecp/19/4/ article-p365.xml; https://www.degruyter.com/
view/j/revecp.2019.19.issue-4/ revecp-2019-0019/revecp-2019- 0019.xml; 10.2478/revecp-2019-0019; https://www.econstor.eu/
bitstream/10419/227536/1/ revecp-2019-0019.pdf; http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/
580. Futerman, Alan and Walter E. Block. 2019. “The Fallacy of A Priori Statism.” Stetson Law Review. Fall, Volume 49, pp. 73-91
579. Mamounis, Kyle J. and Walter E. Block. 2019. “The Molecular Basis of Private Property.” Acta Oeconomica Vol. 69, Issue 3, July, pp. 321–332;
69/3; https://akademiai.com/doi/abs/ 10.1556/032.2019.69.3.1; https://akademiai.com/doi/10.
1556/032.2019.69.3.1; https://www.growkudos.com/
publications/10.1556%252F032. 2019.69.3.1/reader
578. Wysocki, Igor, Walter E. Block and Lukasz Dominiak. 2019. “Rothbard’s Welfare Theory: Some Support.” New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol. 15, No. 1–2, pp. 18-35; https://www.cevroinstitut.cz/
577. Cooper, Aidan and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Symbiosis and Capitalism.” New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol. 15, No. 1–2, pp. 58-71; https://www.cevroinstitut.cz/
576. Smith, Katy and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Legalize Prostitution.” Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy; Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 351-368;
575. Block, Walter E. 2019. “Contra Tanner on Wall Street, financiers, inheritance and egalitarianism.” The Journal Jurisprudence, March, Vol. 38, pp. 27-38; http://www.jurisprudence.com.
574. Levendis, John, Walter E. Block and Robert B. Eckhardt. 2019. “Evolutionary psychology, economic freedom, trade and benevolence.” Review of Economic Perspectives - Národohospodářský obzor; Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 73-92; https://content.sciendo.com/
view/journals/revecp/19/2/ article-p73.xml; 10.2478/revecp-2019-0005; DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ revecp-2019-0005; https://www.lewrockwell.com/ lrc-blog/here-is-one-of-my- best-scholarly-papers-ever/; https://pennstate.pure. elsevier.com/en/publications/ evolutionary-psychology- economic-freedom-trade-and- benevolence; https://www.growkudos.com/ publications/10.2478% 252Frevecp-2019-0005/reade
573. Block, Walter E. 2019. “Human shields, missiles, negative homesteading and libertarianism” Ekonomia Wroclaw Economic Review. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 9- 22; http://wuwr.pl/ekon/issue/
view/515; http://ekon.wuwr.pl/catalog/- 38; http://wuwr.pl/ekon/article/ view/8520/8138
572. Brown, Clare and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Free market for the environment.” Economic Policy: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Экономическая политика. Т. 14, № 1, С, pp. 116–125; DOI: 10.18288/1994-5124-2019-1-116-
125; https://ideas.repec.org/a/rnp/
571. Chamberlin, Anton and Walter E. Block. 2019. “Wall.E.” Cosmos and Taxis; Vol, 6, Issue 6 + 7, pp. 68-72; https://cosmosandtaxis.org/ct-
667/; https://cosmosandtaxis.files. wordpress.com/2019/05/ chamberlin_block_ct_vol6_iss_ 6_7.pdf
570. Block, Walter E. 2019. “Response to J.C. Lester on David Friedman on Libertarian Theory.” Management Education Science Technology Journal. Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 127-155; http://mest.meste.org/MEST_1_
569. Block, Walter E. 2019. "Crony Capitalism versus Pure Capitalism." Independent Review. Vol. 23. No. 3, Winter, pp.
publications/tir/article.asp? id=1347; (Munger)
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ReplyDeleteDespite the "Prolific Dr. Block" and numerous other prolific writers on free markets the world's economic and social systems are more tyrannical. We have just suffered a truly historic world-wide hysteria over a seasonal virus that is non-lethal to over 99.5% of the population. We have senselessly imposed on ourselves through tyrannical governments costs and life-ending restrictions resulting in the worst public health tragedy since WWII. Despite the utter failure of these tyrannical governments, fear mongers are in control and these tyrannies persist. I do appreciate the Economic Policy Journal and others who help the remnant survive. During this time when the world seems crowded with unreasonable people, their words help those who want to be rational.
ReplyDeleteI once gushed to Prof. Block: "I've read ALL your books!!" He said, "Really?" Well, I had to confess I hyperbolize a lot.