Wednesday, April 21, 2021

George Floyd and the "Counterfeit" $20 Bill

George Floyd

Why did the police even respond to the passing of a "counterfeit" $20 bill call? 

In reference to my post at Target Liberty, An Open Letter to American Patrolmen in the Wake of the Guilty Murder Verdict Against Patrolman Derek Chauvin, Murray Sabrin emails:

Great Open Letter post to the cops, especially the observation about the cops being called because Floyd passed a bogus $20 bill in a store.  Isn't this a federal crime?  Local police should not have been called, which set into motion the events leading to his death.  Attached is my 1976 NYT letter about counterfeiting and the Federal Reserve.  I will send a letter to remind the Times' readers that the Fed and ultimately the Congress are responsible for Floyd's death.
Stay well,
Murray Sabrin, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Finance
Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise (founder)
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Why The Federal Reserve Sucks: 
It Causes Inflation, Recessions, Bubbles and Enriches the One Percent 




  1. "... especially the observation about the cops being called because Floyd passed a bogus $20 bill in a store. Isn't this a federal crime?"

    No. Theft is a local crime. Counterfeiting is theft.

    It's true that the government shouldn't be doint it, and that the police should be pointing their guns at the government for counterfeiting.

    But if there were no legal tender laws, counterfeiting gold would still be theft.

  2. Come on. Is it obvious only to me that there are many ways to mitigate here? If you suspect counterfeit get ID when accepting the bill and submit to the FED for analysis let it be after the fact.

    Confrontation is Confrontation.
