Thursday, January 12, 2012

Romney on His Campaign Advisers (Non-Lobbyists,of Course)


  1. I could totally see Mitt decking a reporter Alec Baldwin style by the end of this race.

  2. "Don't get argumentative with the Governor." Glad they set that unprofessional reporter straight. Who the hell does he think he is to question the future President?

    I wish Romney said, "Read my lips". That would started the day off with a great laugh.

  3. The entire point of lobbying is that one does not have to *run* things, but rather only needs to *advise* those who do run things. Romney is a whore.

  4. Here is the grand joke of the entire lobbyist debate that the mainstream of both parties seems to entirely ignore -- there is absolutely no way to run an interventionist Progressive government without lobbyist. Secondly, lobbying is protected under the 1st amendment of the Constitution. What makes lobbying corrupt are pols that leave office and then cash in on their access to powerful committees.

  5. I love... "Ron is an advisor... he's NOT paid"...

    DUH, dipshit, that's the point.

  6. This happened in 2008 not recent even though it is funny!

  7. Well I guess we know who the first person that will disappear under the Patriot Act and NDAA if Mitt Romney gets elected will be.

    And it is that kind of reason these unlawful laws are so terrible. A president could, if he wanted to, make a reporter or anyone else who is giving him a hard time disappear.

  8. The entire exchange was obscene, but the last 30 seconds were sickening. Romney's goon tries to shut up the reporter after Romney approached to try and goon him himself. The second goon then chides the reporter to 'not be argumentative with the candidates' and to 'be professional'.

    What's our message? Candidates lie to your face day in and day out, citizen, it's your job to smile, absorb and report. Candidates get irritated when you point out the constant dishonesty, citizen, be professional and let him do his job (lie). Here's a concept for Romney and everyone else in office, be professional. End the dishonesty and engage in accountable discourse. You know, the same as the rest of us professionals are forced to.

    All in all it's the pecking order's perfect illustration. On the top, Overlords, then their Toadies, and finally the idiot-riff-raff who should merely shut-up, question not, and obey.

    DS Palmer
