Thursday, June 14, 2012

HOT Woods Pulls Video; Zero Chance Ron Paul Will Endorse Romney

Tom Woods had at his web site a youtube video calling for Ron Paul not to endorse Mitt Romney. He has pulled that video and on the Liberty Chat show has stated that there is zero chance Ron Paul is going to endorse Romney.


  1. Anyone who has seen the video: What did Woods say that could gave been misunderstood/misinterpreted?

    Was he just hasty about putting up a video that he later had second thoughts about, making this much ado about nothing? Or is something else going on here?

  2. The incredibly shrinking Tom Woods!!! Go Paleo Diet!

  3. I saw it and don't recall anything controversial. But likely the appeal would have also applied to Rand Paul, and in light of his endorsement, any criticisms Tom would have had toward Ron Paul people may also have applied to Rand. If Tom agrees there is a case to be made for Rand's endorsement, then his appeal to Ron might hurt Rand in some eyes and Tom may not want that. -2¢

    1. Wasn't the video posted after Rand made his endorsement? I thought Tom created it to reassure Ron Paul followers that Ron was not going to follow Rand's example.

      Did anyone look to see if it was still viewable on Tom's Youtube channel?

    2. Yes it was posted after. It is available here:

      Tom was afraid that Rand would pressure Ron to endorse Mitt Romney, implying that Rand may do that for fatherly support in furthering Rand's political endeavors. Tom's concerns are genuine and pertinent. Lew Rockwell has also said that Ron will never endorse Romney. While I believe Ron is as pure as ever, I believe that it's true that some unsavory people have surrounded him in order to dilute the liberty movement. As always, the liberty movement needs to have many leaders, especially at the local level. Each individual must choose his or her part to further the cause, employing all their skills and talents to do so.

  4. In the Vid, he dissed the crap out of C4L. I would guess that somebody took him aside and said "Pssst, Ixnay on the Iticismcray".
    Also perhaps he was assured of a change in leadership?

  5. I'm very curious what "further information" he received...

  6. I watched the video as someone on his blog had linked to it as they had re-uploaded it, but basically what I would get out of it to be misinterpreted is that by presenting it in a manner as though he were talking to Ron he thought he was giving undue credibility to the idea that Ron might endorse Romney.

  7. I'd second what Matthew Swaringen said.

  8. Webster Tarpley sees Ron Paul as having a weakness in terms of his nepotism and the large number of extended family members in his campaign organization.

    This criticism may be going over the top, I hope it is over the top, but we need to be mindful of the risk of sellouts of this type. We all know the "Hope" Obama-ite progressives were sold out by their man, is it possible that the same thing can happen on the libertarian fringe of politics too??

    Let's hope not!

    Tarpley's comments are here.

  9. People are so hung up on endorsements. Like it could make or break the movement. It'll only break the movement for OCD nutjobs who need everything to be 100% before they can do anything.
