Sunday, October 21, 2012

The EPJ Calendar: The Good, The Bad & The Interventionists

By, Chris Rossini
Email | Twitter

Each Sunday EPJ publishes a calendar of upcoming political & economic events. The appearance of an event does not necessarily equal an endorsement by EPJ; hence the name The EPJ Calendar: The Good, The Bad & The Interventionists.

If you believe that your event, speech, meetup, etc. should be on our weekly calendar, please email me at

The Week Ahead

Monday, October 22
  • Joe Biden - J. Babe Stearn Community Center - Canton, OH
  • Michelle Obama - Broward College - Davie, FL
  • Paul Ryan - Colorado Mesa University
  • Third Presidential Debate - Lynn University
Tuesday, October 23
  • FOMC Meeting
  • Obama - Delray Beach, FL
  • Joe Biden - University of Toledo
  • Romney & Ryan - Henderson, NV
Wednesday, October 24
Thursday, October 25
Down the Road

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone is interested, there's also a 3rd party presidential debate Oct. 23rd at 9 PM EST. Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Virgil Goode, and Rocky Anderson are participating with Larry King as moderator.
