...made at the President's renomination annoucement:
Thank you, Mr. President.
I would like to express my gratitude to President Obama for the confidence he has shown in me with this nomination and for his unwavering support for a strong and independent Federal Reserve.
It has been a particular privilege for me to serve with extraordinary colleagues throughout the Federal Reserve System. They have demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness, dedication, and stamina under trying conditions. Through the long nights and weekends and the time away from their families, they have never lost sight of the critical importance of the work of the Fed for the economic well-being of all Americans. I am deeply grateful for their efforts.
I especially want to thank my own family — my wife Anna and our children, Joel and Alyssa. Without their support and sacrifice I could not undertake this task.
The Federal Reserve, like other economic policy makers, has been challenged by the unprecedented events of the past few years. We have been bold or deliberate as circumstances demanded, but our objective remains constant: to restore a more stable economic and financial environment in which opportunity can again flourish, and in which Americans’ hard work and creativity can receive their proper rewards.
Mr. President, I commit today to you and to the American people that, if confirmed by the Senate, I will work to the utmost of my abilities — with my colleagues at the Federal Reserve and alongside the Congress and the Administration — to help provide a solid foundation for growth and prosperity in an environment of price stability.
Thank you.
I'm still skeptical. Does Bernanke/Obama/Summers think Bernanke will survive the shock coming to the Fed?
End the Fed book
Audit the Fed bill
Ties to Goldman, in an environment of growing populism hostile to them
Recent NY Fed pick
Approaching market fall attributable to M2 decline
Insolvent FDIC
Power-hungry Executive Branch
It seems a head-fake to me. He still has to survive Congress in January when a lot of these factors will be in play.
Not buying it.