The White House is floating, ever so gently, the notion that they are open to nominations for the position of “Tim Geithner’s Successor.”Johnson doesn't say what his evidence is, but he does suggest a possible successor: Kansas City Fed President Tom Hoenig.
It’s not clear if they mean this job is likely to be advertised formally sometime in 2012 or 20 minutes after the November midterms. Nor is it obvious if this is a real request for proposals – it could be just an effort to make critics “put up or shut up.”
The way I see it, if Geithner leaves, the job is Jamie Dimon's and only if he turns it down will any other names be considered.
Perhaps Geithner is being prepared to be a financial suicide bomber. Whatever they're going to do in the meantime till 2012, could then be blamed on him, he'd go boom, then his successor could step in and save the day. Or someone could just point the finger at the Geithner's pink mist cloud and say "now change has really come to America".