Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Ghost of FDR

By Robert Ringer

In my recent interview with Dr. Christopher Metzler of Georgetown University, he repeatedly expressed concern over what it’s going to take to wake up millions of Americans who still appear to be hung over from an excess of Obama-Aid. I share Dr. Metzler’s concern, and have been unimpressed with the constant drumbeat about Barack Obama’s “rapidly declining” poll numbers.

Maybe I’ve been living on different planet, but it seems to me that Der Fuhrbama’s approval ratings have been gently moving back and forth between roughly 43 and 48 percent for as long as I can remember. Nothing he does, no matter how anti-Constitutional, how criminal, or how arrogant, seems to phase 40 percent or so of the population.

I understand the roughly 30 percent who sincerely want the United States to become a hard-core socialist nation. They have a genuine desire to redistribute wealth and live under an all-powerful central government. I get it. They are a visible enemy, and you clearly understand that you have to push back against them day in and day out.

But the other 10-15 percent – those who don’t want to live under a socialist regime, yet still approve of the job BHO is doing – are the ones who have people like Dr. Metzler and myself puzzled. Do they ever watch anything but sports and Ice Road Truckers on television? Do they ever read nonfiction adult books or watch Fox News? Are their legs irreversibly tingled by the idea, of and by itself, of an African-American in the White House? Are they simply not able to get over it?

Yet, if you think about the nonstop illegalities that went on when Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a chokehold on the U.S. economy, Obama’s strong poll numbers should not be that surprising. In rereading Amity Shlaes’ The Forgotten Man, I was again reminded of the eerie similarities between the modi operandi of FDR and Barack Obama. So much so that BHO could pass as the ghost of FDR.

One cannot help but draw the conclusion that Obama must have studied the FDR playbook carefully, because he came out of the starting gate seemingly determined to follow his progressive strategy to the T. Like FDR, Obama is a truly licentious creature, totally devoid of ethics and harboring a complete disregard for the law, the wishes of the electorate, the Constitution, and the natural rights of man.

Reda the rest here.


  1. Roughly 12.4% of the US population is black, and I work with quite a few hard working black people on a daily basis. No matter what math I present to them, what statistics are shared, and what quotes are pulled off of youtube and then contrasted with his (the president's) actions, they are absolutely unmoved, think he is doing a great job, and at best blame "the people he surrounds himself with". So a big chunk of your missing ten percent could be right there. I understand that this is a very limited experience and is purely anecdotal, though I have heard very similar things from friends in a variety of professions and stages of their careers. It makes me wonder what will happen if/when he loses the next election. I plan to be out of the city by then.

  2. "Like FDR, Obama is a truly licentious creature, totally devoid of ethics and harboring a complete disregard for the law, the wishes of the electorate, the Constitution, and the natural rights of man."

    No, really, tell us what you really think. :)

    "Roughly 12.4% of the US population is black..."

    And 85-90% of that segment will continue to vote for Obama. Agreed. Interestingly, latinos/hispanics make up a larger portion of the population (15.4%) than blacks do, which obviously has much to do with both parties doing their best to court them.
