Wednesday, November 24, 2010

They Made a Movie about the TSA in 1982

If this doesn't point out the absurdity of what's going on, nothing will.

MORE: Why TSA agents should be replaced with dogs.

(ViaLouisJames@Conversations with Casey)


  1. Also check out the scene in Police Squad where the two cops search a man at a party.

  2. And then there's the dark comedy of Chertoff, hapless in a domestic disaster, profiteering from this sordid mess:

  3. If it were not for the astounding level of arrogance, ignorance and corruption behind this policy I might actually see the humor in it. How could America devolve from a democracy, albeit imperfect one, into a authoritarian oligopoly led by idiots and thieves in the short space of 30 years?

  4. It's like you don't even understand the basic foundations of comedy.

    This was the stupidest thing I've been exposed to all week.
