Monday, April 25, 2011

Beating Out the Bad Boy Billionaires

According to Quantcast, the web traffic measuring site, has just passed, in daily traffic, the the web site of  Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers funded operation.

Quantcast ranks EPJ as the 29,517, most visited web site in the United States. Americans for Prosperity is ranked 29,552.

It should be noted that EPJ is accomplishing this with a budget a significant tad under a billion dollars.

Thanks to all you loyal readers!


  1. Congrats!

    EPJ is an invaluable resource for those of us looking to cut through the BS. You keep writing and we'll keep reading.

  2. Congrats Mr. Wenzel,

    You are a prophet and a scholar. Can't thank you enough for all that I have learned here.

  3. I've posted your stuff many times on my facebook page...always with proper credit given to the source. I hope some of these 'friends' of mine have taken a look.

    FWIW, I discovered this site via Tom Woods, who said something like 'a friend of mine has a blog/site that is as good as its name is boring'. He was right.

  4. You're very welcome.

  5. I read EPJ and all day every day.
