Monday, August 15, 2011

LBJ's Great Grandkids 'Shopping' in the D.C. Area

Note: The unemployment rate for teenagers in the D.C. area is 50%. Another bump in the minimum wage and we could have them all unemployed and out on the streets "shopping".



  1. Do you think LBJ had this in mind or was he just plain stupid?

  2. Who is playing Dylan's Knockin on Heaven's Door in the background? More like breaking down heaven's door, amirite?

  3. Three things stick out to me:

    1. The cops said they couldn't and wouldn't do much of anything.
    2. The media keeps using the word "flash mob" incorrectly. A "flash mob" is a group of people organized via social media to engage in some type of surprise public performance, not a "wilding" which is what this is: a opportunist gang of people stealing stuff or assaulting people.
    3. In this case, the shop owner did nothing. But assuming that the shop owner did something to stop it, how acceptable would it be to the general public? It's a lose lose situation. If the owner pulls a baseball bat or gun on people taking soda, candy, and chips, the public will probably frowned on such action. So public opinion would be against the business owner that tried to do anything.

    Even though it's still petty crime, it's a strange and kind of disturbing situation. The cops will do nothing, the business owner can do little to nothing, and the media will mis-report it because of ignorance.

  4. Anonymous @ 4:07 PM said, "So public opinion would be against the business owner that tried to do anything."

    I guess the stuff the People are made of out there on the East Coast is a bit different than out here West of the Mississippi, cause I can just about guarantee you the People out this way would not be against the business owner defending his store.

  5. There's nothing you can do in this situation realistically. I know what I'd LIKE to do if I was the owner, but I'd probably just get killed. I think we can expect to see more of this.

  6. Gaithersburg is a bit outside DC, perhaps as much as an hour. Maryland (home of this incident) is a communist state much like the Massachusettes of the south.

    Few gun rights, high taxes, huge welfare state. It's very different than it's neighbor to the south, Virginia which is the near opposite. Despite it's heavy fed money workers.

  7. With all of the money we spent and obviously wasted on so-called 'poverty' programs since the 1960s - If we had only invested that money and effort on science and technology - hell we would all have flying cars, personal robot butlers and be taking our summer vacations on the moon by now.

    But instead we now have racial attacks and looting via 'flashmobs' and a president and DOJ that doesn't give a shit about White folk. This is progress????????????

  8. Not a coincidence that these things happen in areas with fascist gun laws for the citizens. This nonsense would be over pretty quickly if they tried this crap in middle america, and not the disarmed and mentally coward urban settings. Never underestimate the intelligence of criminals, no matter how stupid looking or appearing, in picking the softest possible target to attack though.

  9. "Do you think LBJ had this in mind or was he just plain stupid?"

    LBJ grew up in the Jim Crow South. They knew how to make blacks behave then. He would be amazed that we let them run riot like this.

    The shop owner did nothing because the shop owner most likely was not present. The lackey who worked there (who did not own the shop) had no incentive to take on a mob of savage negroes by himself. (Sorry, boss, there was nothing I could do... fire me from my shitty minimum wage job if you want.)

  10. Another opportunity to demonstrate the "broken window" fallacy by praising the additional spending by the insurance company to compensate for theft of the shopkeeper's merchandise.

  11. Good point -- krugman would say this event is great for the economy!

  12. I guess some cops had other things to do:
