Thursday, August 25, 2011

VIDEO: Battery Operated Dick Cheney

Last week, I reported that sources told me that Dick Cheney is running pretty much on batteries (to keep his heart going).

The sources told me that Cheney spends much of his time at George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. and that when he wanders out he has batteries packed into his sports jackets.

NBC is running a teaser about their upcoming interview with Cheney and in the teaser you can see the heavy duty battery pack that Cheney wears.


  1. it's fun to joke he's Darth Vader or whatever, but a human being with a medical issue should evoke empathy, not ridicule. Are we as bad as he is, dehumanizing people and making light of their misery and hardships?

    I should hope not. What should put us apart is that we value all life, not just those who share our ideas or our culture, unlike him and his neocon ilk.

  2. Say what, wobbles!? Cry crocodile tears for a war mongering merchant of death? I think not...

  3. I've got 2,752 reasons to not give a shit.

  4. Lucky for him there are still some capitalistic enterprises left to make those portable battery packs.

  5. Seeing as how this man is partly responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of lives, the destruction, maiming and ruination of yet even more hundreds of thousands of lives, as well as the loss of a couple trillion of dollars, I can't say I feel sorry for this man at all.

    Maybe this is petty, but it's hard for me to care much about the man's hardship because of all the garbage he's responsible for.

    I like the jokes about Darth Vader. They're funny. But is he really Darth Vader? No. Darth Vader at least repented at the end.

  6. Call the Energy Task Force ...

  7. I hope he live a long live like 125 years, living like crap peeing and pooping on his pants. I know what it feels being in bed without even been able to move legs or arms, I don't even wish it to my worst enemy(and I really mean it), but Dick Cheney is in another level.

  8. Even God knew to name this man a "Dick".
