Saturday, November 19, 2011

NYT: Ron Paul Might Win in Iowa

First, it was WaPo, now NYT can not deny Ron Paul momentum:

In a year when the Republican field is unusually fractured, with front-runners coming around as often as carousel ponies, Mr. Paul’s ability to mobilize niche groups like home-schoolers may make a big difference. His campaign, which has won a number of straw polls and is picking up momentum, has demonstrated its ability to organize and mobilize supporters, which is particularly relevant in Iowa, where relatively small numbers can tip the scales in the caucuses...

His support has usually added up to less than 10 percent in surveys of likely Republican primary voters.

But now, thanks to the best organized grass-roots campaign in Iowa and heavy spending on television advertisements that portray him as consistent while other Republicans have flip-flopped, Mr. Paul is breaking through that ceiling, giving rise to a once far-fetched scenario — that he might win the state’s caucuses on Jan. 3.


  1. Perhaps Paul's numbers are so strong in Iowa because they actually know what he believes and advocates instead of the silly mainstream presentation.

  2. "giving rise to a once far-fetched scenario".

    What, that the establishment mouthpieces can no longer convince all of the slaves that all is not well down on the plantation and the slaves may want a different kind of master than the establishment wants the slaves to have?

  3. I think they're trying to cover themselves so they don't have too much egg on their faces. I'm sure if he does win, it'll be business as usual, discussing Cain or Romney's second place victory, discussing the prospects for Newt, etc.

  4. We're working hard in Maryland. We think we can win him a handful of delegates here. I think our elections are basically rigged, but the more people we can get to read Ron Paul the better.

  5. Look for the MSM to downgrade Iowa to a "second-tier" state, or to a part of the nation just slightly more important/influential than Guam.

  6. The GOP establishment appears to be worried -- usually Bill O'Reilly ignores Ron Paul, but last night, O'Reilly went out of his way to bash Paul for several minutes.

  7. Yes! At last the beacon of truth shines forth! Ron Paul is truth, justice, and the American way! Citizens of the Republic are flocking to Ron Paul's camp of truth, peace, and prosperity! We the people longing for a leader who has our best interests in mind have found in Ron Paul a purpose and platform we support! The status quo having had their chance to govern have failed the American people, and from their failure must yeild to the peoples will in Ron Paul! This nation "Under God" and Ron Paul's leadership will continue to be the "Shining City Upon the Hill". Go to to read the Restore America Now plan that will give the nation sound money and strengthen the Republic.

  8. Who is Bill O'Reilly??

  9. It is heartening to see all of the pro-Ron Paul comments. Interestingly, why is it that all of the internet chatter and polls always show him winning, but the MSM lies about it constantly, taking polls down prematurely, refusing to acknowledge him in the debates, rotating the other neo-con candidates around in round-robin fashion, giving each of them a spotlight in turn?
    They have lost all legitimacy to report truthfully, and it is becoming painfully obvious. Thank goodness America is waking up!!! Let's hope it's not too late.

  10. We're working hard in Denver as well. My husband and I just signed up to be precinct captains in our uber-liberal neighborhood. I love seeing the MSM scrambling like cockroaches trying to make sense of all this . . this freedom-talk. We've got the globalists on the run. Their agenda gets more and more egregious every day.

  11. The counterinsurgency gameplan is simple:

    First ignore. If that doesn't work, then ridicule and marginalize. If that doesn't work, then attack and smear.

    If that doesn't work, liquidate.

    I agree that the MSM is now acknowledging the Paul strength because they'll look completely clueless ("egg on their faces") if he does in fact show strongly in Iowa and New Hampshire, which I believe he will.

    And if I may... Newt is VERMIN. He supported crossover Democrat, Greg Laughlin,against Dr. Paul in the Republican Primary years ago. He's a backstabber as well as a philanderer, a liar, and, worst of all, a STATIST.

    What happened to that term limits vote Newt?

  12. We left the USA in 1988, to escape the big-brother govt. Here in Mexico, though many stupid laws exist, most are ignored, so I feel free here in business and in life.

    If Ron Paul were elected president, we might decide to come back.

  13. Whether you believe in Ron Pauls views or not, you cannot deny that his views are his beliefs and don't change with the weather like polititions do. I know that it is strange to hear a presidential candidate telling the truth and sticking to it. People don't seem to want to hear the truth, they want to hear the never ending lying that comes from polititions. If you elect me your taxes will go down and everyone will have a job. I will save the economy. The problem is all those candidates don't have a clue about what they are saying. They can only read and memorize their speeches that someone else wrote. Are we going to keep living these lies or are we going to elect someone that will nip it in the butt now. Things are going to be bad no matter who we elect. Ron Paul is the only one with a sound plan that is willing to stop the insanity now. It is going to hurt but it will save us. Electing anyone else is to continue to live the lie and go deeper into debt to the point of no return. They will say anything to get elected, except the truth. Remember the lies we heard last election and see where we are now.

  14. The ELITE FEARS RON PAUL...The best candidate for
    2012 is Ron Paul. The only politician that talks

  15. It would seem that both the Tea party and the occupy wall street crowd would want him. The cutting of military spending seems to be why he can't win. I don't want to pay to have 50,000 troops stationed in Germany. Germany can foot their own bill if they choose to. yet why would they. I also noticed you can't donate $5.00 to his campain. You need to commit to $100 bones.

  16. Ron Paul for 2012 and 2016.

    Nobody seems to have noticed. Newt is exactly the republican version of Obama! Both know how to spew smooth talk, but both are elitist, authoritarian, new-world-order predators.

  17. Yes, you can contribute less than $100 to his campaign. The smallest amount you can select by choosing a preset amount is $20.12. But just click on "Other" and a spot will open up where you can enter whatever amount you want.
