Public Policy Polling: Newsletters Not Hurting Ron Paul in Iowa
Slate's David Weigel explains:
Think about it. If Ron Paul was suffering and taking damage from the stories about his old newsletters, what sort of voters would abandon him?...Well, everybody, hopefully, but you'd expect independents, Democrats and liberals, the people boosting Paul in Iowa and New Hampshire, to react the most negatively.
According to the Public Policy Polling survey of Iowa, this isn't happening. This was Paul's favorability with Democrats and independents one week ago.
This is his favorability today.
That's a clear trend: Paul's number are notably up with Democrats, making up for some slippage with Republicans.
They played that card WAY too early. Now it's spent and they really have nothing.
ReplyDeleteThey'll try of course. They'll spin, they'll spit, they'll dig, they'll lie or just about anything but there isn't anything of substance for them to attack Ron Paul on. There is no smear there.
It has been a MASSIVE smear campaign. I'm actually surprised he didn't drop.
ReplyDeleteYou know, have been thinking for a few days now, Ron Paul could highjack the Republican nomination with crossover votes. LOL! And then in the General Election, Ron Paul would be more popular with the Democrat voters than even Obama, as the above numbers attest. LOL!
ReplyDeleteDifster is right. They played a card too early and it was an old card (i.e. previously used) anyway.
ReplyDeleteConsidering all the crap usually dug out in campaigns (Cain's extramarital affairs, Obama's birth certificates, Bush's cocaine abuse, Kerry's swift boats etc etc) the RP newsletter stuff is very tame.
Also did they really think GOP voters would actually be 'turned off' by a few examples of "politically incorrect" commentary? Are red state GOP voters really going to care? This may be a newswothy issue to the national level media commentariat but at the local voting level - not such a big deal.
And by expending their dirty bomb so early in the campaign - if and when RP - should he go that far - gets to national election the issue will be well and truly 'old news' by then.
Maybe it was Ron's campaign that leaked the newsletters. :)
@Anonymous 3:51
ReplyDeleteThat would be hilarious, it would be the most strategic move ever of a presidential campaign. Huge bait.
Glad to see few are actually taking the racist smears seriously.