Sunday, April 8, 2012

David Gordon as the Head of the FBI?

Following up on my suggestion that the only way Ron Paul should cut a deal with Mitt Romney is if Dr. Paul gets named Treasury Secretary in a Romney Administration or Lew Rockwell is named Romney's Chief of Staff, Butler Shaffer makes the following comment:
As long as we are engaged in wishful thinking, what about extending the deal to include the following: Justin Raimondo for Secretary of Defense; Becky Akers for Secretary of Transportation; Will Grigg to head up the Justice Department; and Karen De Coster to be Secretary of Health and Human Services? We could then have a lottery, with people betting on which of these cabinet appointees would be the first to shut down their entire department and turn off all the lights in their buildings!
Great idea!

Also, I would like to see David Gordon as head of the FBI. Bob Murphy as head of the BLS.. James Altucher running the Department of Education and Butler running the CIA.


  1. David Gordon - Crimebuster!!!!

    OMG, tears were streaming just now!!!

    But a wise choice, sir. We'll be a hell of a lot safer!

    Federal Bureau of Inspiration?

  2. None of these would be confirmed by the senate. Useless.

  3. Jeffrey Tucker as Press Secretary. I'd love to hear his answers to stupid questions.

    Robert Higgs as Commissioner of Food and Drugs for the FDA, so he can fire everyone and then resign.

    But in a non-Romney world, I'd like to see Higgs as Ron Paul's Vice President. Imagine the debates against Obama/Biden!

  4. Stupid! Just close down ALL the unconstitutional agencies and departments. Forget naming anyone to head them up. Where is YOUR head today, Wenzel?

  5. Ron Paul as chief justice

  6. How about appointing Andrew Napolitano as a Supreme Court Justice should an opening become available?

  7. Andrew Napolitano, Supreme Court.

  8. Pardon Irwin Schiff and make him Commissioner of IRS!

  9. I say Tom Woods for Dept. of Education.
