Saturday, June 2, 2012

SEIU Assaults Union Member

This clip is of an incident that occurred in February 2010, but it was just brought to my attention. An SEIU staff employee assaults an SEIU hospital union employee.

Unions are about brute force from start to finish. They wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for government laws which prop them up. In a truly free market, no business would tolerate unions.

When Andy Stern was president of the SEIU, he regularly showed up on White House logs as one of the most frequent visitors.


  1. That bitch would have gotten a whole two steps before she would be out cold. I'm a peaceful man, but once you attack me I don't care who the hell you are, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you go down hard.

  2. So was she charged? What happened?

  3. Whoa! Unions are licensed to use violence. Ever try to cross their picket lines?
