Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dr. Lynne Fenton's Bio that was Deleted from U of Colorado

The psychiatrist who was treating Aurora massacre suspect James Holmes is Dr. Lynne Fenton. Her bio has been deleted from the University of Colorado where she worked.

Some quick thinkers grabbed the Google cache, so that we can all see what Fenton/U of C might want to hide:

 Lynne Fenton, MD
Assistant Professor


Positions and Employment:

Medical Director, Student Mental Health Service, University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, 7-2009 – present

Research Fellow/Instructor, Research and Development Service, VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System, 7-2008 - present

Research Fellow/Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, 7-2008-present

Fellowship in Brain Imaging, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado Denver, 1008-2010

Residency in General Psychiatry, University of Colorado Denver, 2005-2008

Physician, private practice, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Denver, CO, 1994-2005

Medical Acupuncturist, Mile High Spine and Rehabilitation, Greenwood Village, CO, 2001-2002, and 2004-2005

Physician, Colorado Rehabilitation and Occupational Medicine, Aurora, CO, 1993-1994

Chief of Physical Medicine, United States Air Force, San Antonio, TX, 1990-1993

Staff Physiatrist, Wilford Hall United States Air Force Medical Center, San Antonio, TX, 1990-1993

Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University Medical Center, 1986-1990

Other Experience and Professional Memberships:

Colorado Psychiatric Society Junior Trustee, 2009-present

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Board-certified, 2009

Colorado Psychiatric Society Early Career Psychiatrists Trustee, 2008-2009

State of Colorado Medical License - issued 1993

American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Certified, 1992

American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board-certified, 1991


Associate Investigator Award for training in research from the Department of Veterans Affairs, 2008-2011

PRITE Award, 2006, 2007

Medal of Commendation, United States Air Force, 1993

Scholl Fellowship Award for research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1990

Teaching Activities (limited to Psychiatry-related teaching):


Psychiatry Residents:

weekly supervision of six R2 residents, 1-hour per resident 2007- 2008
supervision of R1-R4 residents in outpatient clinic, 4 hours per week 2007- 2008
inpatient and consult-liaison call, supervision of R2 and R3 residents 2008 - present
Student Mental Health Service, supervision of R4 and R3 residents, 2009 - present


"Pain – Diagnosis and Treatment", 2006, 2008
University of Colorado, R2 Consult-Liaison Psychiatry class
"Somatoform Disorders", 2006, 2008
University of Colorado, R2 Consult-Liaison Psychiatry class
"CATIE", 2007, 2008, 2009
University of Colorado, R3 Evidence-based Medicine course
"STEP-BD", 2007, 2008, 2009
University of Colorado, R3 Evidence-based Medicine course
"STAR*D", 2007, 2008, 2009
University of Colorado, R3 Evidence-based Medicine course


Psychiatry Board and PRITE Review Course - Developed and co-taught 10 session weekly course for R1-R4 residents, 8/2007-10/2007
Psychopharmacology for Non-Prescribing Clinicians - Developed and taught weekly course for social work interns, 9/2007-3/2008
R-3 Evidence-Based Medicine - Co-taught weekly 90 minute course for R3 residents
Axis-II Disorders - 4 lecture series, part of R-1 introductory lectures, 1/2009, 4/2009
Student Mental Health - New 5 week course for R-4 residents to begin 2010
R4 Clinical Rotation in Student Mental Health - One-half day per week, 2009 - present


Grand Rounds: "Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality, and Chronic Pain", University of Colorado, Department of Psychiatry, 9/28/2005
Poster presentation: "Psychotherapy for Patients with Neuropsychiatric Disorders", Junior Faculty Poster Show, University of Colorado Department of Psychiatry, 3/2007
Grand Rounds: “Student Mental Health – a Developmental Perspective”, University of Colorado, Department of Psychiatry, 10/11/2009

Clinical Activities:

Medical Director, Student Mental Health Service, University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, 2009 – present

medication and psychotherapy for 15-20 graduate students per week
coordination of team of four mental health clinicians
supervision of R4 and R3 residents who treat student
lectures, outreach to students, administrators and faculty

Psychiatrist, 5-10 general psychiatry patients, medication and psychotherapy, 2008 - present


Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Roth EJ. Fenton LL. Gaebler-Spira DJ. Frost FS. Yarkony GM. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in acute traumatic quadriplegia: case reports and literature review. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 72(6):417-20, 1991 May.

Green D. Lee MY. Lim AC. Chmiel JS. Vetter M. Pang T. Chen D. Fenton L. Yarkony GM. Meyer PR Jr. Prevention of thromboembolism after spinal cord injury using low-molecular-weight heparin. Annals of Internal Medicine. 113(8):571-4, 1990 Oct 15.

Geary GG. Fenton L. Cheng G. Smith GT. Siu B. McNamara JJ. Failure of pretreatment with propranolol to reduce the zone of myocardial infarction after 2 hours of coronary occlusion in the primate heart. American Journal of Cardiology. 52(5):615-20, 1983 Sep 1.

Grants and Contracts:

Reward Processing in Schizophrenia: the Effects of Aripiprazole and Risperidone, 2008-present

A functional MRI investigation

False Pattern Recognition in Schizophrenia, 2009 - present

Involvement of the dopaminergic reward system.

Functional MRI Correlates of Overeating in Schizophrenia Treated with Olanzapine, 2009 - present

Associate Investigator Award, Department of Veterans Affairs, Schizophrenia Research Department, 2008-2010

Lynne Fenton, MD

Bldg. 500, Level 4, Rm. C4002


  1. Psychiatry and psychology are largely a load of crap, as Thomas Szasz has explained. If there are problems within the brain, these are medical issues, not psychiatric issues. While I'm no expert on the matter, I believe that white-coated government medical drones want to control the concepts of what mental health means, and to remove the willingness and ableness of families, friends, and clergy, etc., to provide the support needed that could never be achieved through medication and other violent methods to deal with people's "problems in living." I abhorr specifically the use of modern electro-shock treatment, and the idea that we need to be contanstly elated and that every negative human emotion is characerized as some disease or behavioral disorder.

    I for one, work with adults who have "developmental disabilities," formerly known under the un-pc term "retarded," etc. I am largely against behavioral meds being used on these folks, but I don't have the power to change it. For violent individuals who cannot fully be held accountable for their actions, I think temporary and painless restraints are a much better, though imperfect way to deal with those who cannot control their outbursts. And they should be used only for those who exhibit violence against others, in faithful adherence to libertarian principles. Ideally, these individuals would be living with there families, without outside help if necessary. Mental health facilities are corporate-state alliances that seek to drain the taxpayer of funds, and it mysteriously seems to coincide with an explosion of people who are incapable of taking care of themselves.

    1. I am in total agreement with you! There is a very good documentary by Dr. Gary Null called Prescription for Disaster where your arguments are detailed in showing how the psychiatrists and psychologists were happy to jump into bed with pharmaceutical companies in order to line their pockets. And the worse part of it is that in the majority of the cases of shootings, the perpetrator have been on psychotropic drugs (in most cases withdrawal) when the shooting took place.

    2. Thanks for your reply. Mea culpa: my writing was full of misspellings,poor grammar,etc. It was a long day for me.

    3. Anonymous @ 11:08pm, Your comments were refreshing. The only point at which I recoil is your privileging of un-PC categories to label and diagnose individuals as opposed to PC ones. I agree with you that the diluted language is dishonest and vague designed to throw a psych-swathe on more people and to allow a greater number of remedial drugs to be corralled to address it. But neither the PC or non-PC labels cataloged in the DSMMD are helpful; they are set by the pharmaceutical industry, an evil monolith who don't care about side effects and who's primary ethical responsibility is probable deniability, and who feel that every feeling should be labeled, drugged, and managed. I think that if individuals with problems had routine exercise, nutrient dense foods, and enjoyable, productive, positive interaction, they would do better. What troubles me about the diagnostic manuals is that professionals use these to manage their own fears about somebody else. Quick story. A very intelligent boy was enrolled in an English class. He didn't speak and had difficulty expressing feelings in one-on-one, personal exchanges. The effort to communicate was exhausting for him. But on vocabulary and comprehension tests, he outperformed all students in the class. The other kids gave him affectionate nicknames that referenced his silent presence. This kid did not speak a single word in public that I was aware of. On the day of group reading, we read Romeo & Juliet. We read in a circle. It was his turn to read. He read the text with a lilting beauty that surprised and captivated the ear of each member in the group who looked up and around in disbelief at the moving vibrations of his voice. It was remarkable and unforgettable. His psych counselor at the school shared with me once that she thought that he had the temperament of a mass murderer. My jaw dropped. Thankfully, individuals often act better than they think. Was the kid mad? For good reason! He'd been mistreated, managed, diagnosed with every term in the DSMMD from A to Z for nearly every year of his young life, causing his mother years of unnecessary shame and embarrassment and resentment. I've seen how these psychologists--or what I like to refer to as unhappy assholes using nomenclature to legitimize the power conferred upon them by the state--railroad a kid with the aid of the embarrassed and overwrought parent in meetings where there are 7 psychologists to 1 kid reading from their reports about the kid in question, talking about him as an abstraction while he is sitting right next to them. These doctors put questions to the mother; she had to listen to a litany of her son's academic and behavioral failures. Well, she didn't want the authority of that to reflect on her. To save face, she would often side with the psychologists' diagnosis, constituting the ultimate betrayal. Way to go, mom. Diagnoses only help and validate the institution and their paid minions; they do not help the kid, or the adult.

    4. Psychiatry has little to nothing to do with psychology anymore.

      I think Thomas Szasz is largely anti-psychiatry, not anti-psychology in the sense that the word "psyche" is Greek for "soul."

      I think Szasz is a proponent of the human soul, and recognizes that some people have troubled souls. Someone with a troubled soul is now pathologized by psychiatry as having an "illness" or some biological imbalance to be corrected by drugs. This is what he so eloquently rejects. I agree with him.

    5. By anti-psychiatry, you mean anti-drug; and by anti-drug, you mean anti-psychiatrists and their manuals of fabricated diagnoses that empower them to prescribe drugs. I am with you on Dr. Szasz, a remarkable and courageous man. There are psychologists who also have minimal state and academic requirements to double as psychiatrists; in other words, they can prescribe drugs if psychotherapy is incapable of resolving a troubled soul. My point was that these industries dovetail. I think that more benefits are to be had by talking with friends, souls who value life in general and the life of the individual. With all of the reporting on the student that I referenced earlier, that kind of data can easily be used against him, if, for example, his mom or the state deems that drugs are necessary. His case will be referred to a psychiatrist. So although the two disciplines may seem like they have nothing to do with one another, I think that the one, psychiatry, works as a midwife for the other when the conflicts are greater than the psychologist can handle.

    6. you guys clearly have little understanding of modern psychology. folk psychology is bs. ill give you that, but modern psychology is a quickly growing field, and it is entirely legitimate. you guys should study it, it might be enlightening.

    7. I agree with the last comment. Psychiatry and Psychology differ a great deal. A great psychologist is but a philospher of mind function. A psychiatrist are those who administer meds and electro shock therapy. Great deal of difference. Important to know them.

  2. Ive never heard of any psychologists or psychiatrists who have brought about noticeable changes in an individual. The changes, if any, are so slight, you really have to search for them.

    Clients are dragged on and on for years, perhaps because if psychologists or psychiatrists were too effective too soon, theyd be earning less because of less visits.

    While they definitely work hard to earn their degrees, the usefulness of such degrees can be debated.

    1. In my case it had a positive impact. If you are in difficult circumstances with no one around you that can give you good advice it's nice to have an objective "sounding board" to help you find your way.

      There obviously is no definition of "normal" when it comes to behavior, but it's good to try to establish some kind of baseline if your "normal" was for instance was parents that abused you(pick your method), abused drugs, etc.

      Believe it or not when raised in such an environment it's hard to distinguish "outlying" behavior because you're in the middle of it so to speak.

      I can only say I agree with some of your points. I had a bad psychologist BEFORE a good one, then I had a BAD one again recommended by the good one.

      The funny thing about it all is the "good" one thought she wasn't helping me because I ended the sessions myself on a note she wasn't pleased with on a couple of areas.(and the "bad" one after her just confirmed to me that I didn't need any more-I only needed one session to figure that out)

      I've never regretted any of the decisions I made then. I realized further that my trial and error in finding the right ones opened my eyes to things in general.

      Could the average person "in distress" make such decisions on which therapists to use and what to take from such sessions and leave behind? I don't know, I'm sure many can't make those decisions.

      But, those people will be lost anyway. Some people are "saved"(or save themselves with "help" as I like to think of it). I'd say that psychologists do some good and harm...but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be around. After all, it's a "voluntary" thing.

      Now, all that being said...I think psychiatrists are much more problematic. I have a family member that has unsuccessfully "used" several for years.

      Most psychiatrists make very surface level attempts at deconstructing personal issues so they can be evaluated in a rational manner by the "patient" so he/she can make constructive changes in their lives for positive benefit.(like a psychologist)

      The reason why?(IMHO)

      Because that magic ability to write prescriptions...the societal(& medical) standby that a "pill" is the solution to the problems of more difficult patients. These psychiatrists are also somewhat brainwashed by the pharma industry into beleiving their drugs are "miracle" workers. Instead of a "solution" to the patients woes, the pills becomes a band-aid while the provebial wound festers underneath.

      I think the more rotten part of mental health science is the med portion....even Dr. Mercola is a big proponent of mental health in a non med fashion via "emotinal freedome techniques"....

  3. Psychiatry and psychology are crap, but the clergy is able?

    The clergy should all be psychotherapy.

    1. Beliefs and ideas play an important role in one's behavior. How do you think Western Civilization developed? Under Atheism?

    2. If psychiatry and psychology are so successful, why is half the country on behavioral and or antidepressive medication? I quite think that diet, exercise, social connections, sunshine, and strong beliefs,etc. are far more necessary factors than "formal" psychotherapy.

    3. Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology have this covered. Ask Brook Shields.

  4. I don't get it. There seems to be nothing controversial out here. Even the controversial bit about her that's doing rounds on the news ( seems entirely uncontroversial to me. Yes, she has a history of being sloppy with records, and I'd want my psychiatrist (if I had one) to maintain good records.

    As for prescribing meds to family, friends and colleagues, I know it is against the code-of-conduct in most countries, but it is perfectly alright in my own code-of-conduct. (I _am_ a libertarian.)

    1. She was the head of phycological warefare for the US air force. This involves programming people. If you don't believe research MK ultra and project monarch.

  5. I think CU is just trying to distance themselves as far as possible.

  6. Anyone else notice that no Education data is provided on her C.V.? The fact is she attended a very low tier Med surprise. The school...Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University doesn't even rank! And her undergrad degree at the University of California at Davis is also unimpressive. I had to laugh at this "doctor's" long winded resume -a clear hint that she is insecure about her credentials. Yet another example of how incompetence rises to the top...sad.

  7. "Fenton was reprimanded for prescribing medication to herself, her husband and an employee in the late 1990s, including Vicodin, Xanax, Lorazepam and Ambien, according to state documents posted online by 7News in Denver. She was also reprimanded for failing to maintain medical charts. She had to complete more than 50 hours of medical training and promise not to prescribe medications to family members or employees, according to 7News."
    Lets be clear here: She was addicted to prescription drugs. Writing prescriptions for employees, and spouses are almost always 100% for the prescriber's own use. Been there got the tee-shirt, the rehab-archipelago treatment. She certainly was followed up with a consent decree requiring submitting to random bi-weekly then weekly urine drug screens. Now, if she failed any of them she would be under tremendous pressure; she would be highly vulnerable to blackmail and extortion. Was her psychiatric relationship with The Joker, under a third party's control?
    I don't know. It is very common nowadays for MD's to run afoul of the ubiquitous war on drugs. The practice of one's livelihood for which they trained any number of years after college, medical school etc, is considered "a privilege", to be exercised by license under certain caveats. F'em all.

  8. If it were not for science and new frontiers where would this world be? How do we know if we don't try? Everyone expects results immediately in this world, but good results take time. I would like to know where James Holmes' parents are and why they didn't alert the authorities. Parents should know their children unless they don't care. Dr. Fenton did not create this awful scenario she was simply doing her job. I blame our laws, our media, and our ever changing environment, not the scientists; most of all I blame his family!

    1. ^ blame his family? his family didn't put him on mind-altering drugs! "simply doing her job" well maybe it would be better if this establishment/job was done away with? it obviously did no good in this case. when DOES it do good? and, the best question, who benefits the most? it certainly isn't the patient.
