Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Yahoo CEO's $100 Million Compensation Package

Kara Swisher has the breakdown of Marissa Meyer's pay package from Yahoo:
The salary amount is typical at $1 million in salary and an annual bonus of up to 200 percent, which is $2 million.

Mayer gets an equity award for 2012 of $12 million in stock and options that vests over three years.

The big number is an huge one-time retention award, vesting over five years, of $15 million in stock and $15 million in options.

Finally, a make-whole payment of $14 million for her stock she left behind at Google.
Overall that means about $5.4 million for the rest of this year and $20 million each year to come.

The pay package was hotly debated by the board as to whether the high-profile exec was worth the large amount.

While Mayer is considered a highly competent tech exec, a very strong decision-maker, adept at product innovation, some of the board raised concerns about her, too. One issue: She had been passed over by Google CEO Larry Page for one of the major unit jobs in his reorganization of the company, while others in her peer group had been promoted.
That said, others argued that Mayer was just the kind of disruptive agent of change that Yahoo needs, especially because she could inspire its engineers and also attract much needed talent.


  1. What's it going to cost Yahoo when they fire her after 12 months, 18 months, 24 months,....? When does it get cheaper or expensive to fire her? CEOS tend to be better off getting fired than staying hired. I could be wrong.

    Too bad the board's pay and tenure could not be linked or tied up to a CEO's performance.

  2. Why should an a--hat left winger that believes in re-distrubtion and fair share economics need so much money? I thought when CEO's take large pay packages that means other workers don't get paid as much. WTF? That is what Obama and the regressives are all about? Nothing is quite as putrid as the irony and hypocrisy of a limousine liberal.

  3. The new Ceo have an incentive to do lousy job and get fired
