Monday, July 2, 2012

What Obama Cooked into the Healthcare Act to Get an Edge in the Election

Although much of Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014, some important elements kick-in before the election, which will help keep the masses confused about the plan and paint Obama  as a fighter "for the people" (While in reality he is bought and controlled by Big Pharma)

Tony Lee explains what occurs before the election:
July, 2012: Insurance Companies Send Rebate Checks to Consumers

According to the White House’s website, “Consumers will get rebates if their insurance companies do not spend “at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on medical care and quality improvements.” When people receive rebate checks, they will inevitably view the law a bit more favorably after receiving a tangible benefit.

August, 2012: Additional Preventative Services for Women Covered
In August, Obamacare will impact women voters; most insurance plans will cover “preventative care services for women -- including well woman visits and contraception.” Obama will then exploit this to rev up his phony "war on women" rhetoric with the help from a complicit mainstream media.

October, 2012: Electronic Medical Records Become Implemented
A provision in which some medical records get converted into electronic form becomes effective.

November 6, 2012: Election Night
According to the White House, $1.1 billion in rebates from insurance companies will occur this summer, because of the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule.  These rebates will be an average of $151 for each family covered by a policy.

Consider this an Obama campaign re-election program- - -clever bastards, using insurance money to put the Obama re-election bid on steroids.


  1. If I get a rebate check, I am going to donate it the Sheriff Joe's investigation of Obama. Ha!

    1. When I get a rebate I am going to send it on to the Obama re-election campaign. He is not perfect but one heck of lot better than the people who expanded government spending before him and cut taxes while starting wars that were unnecessary.

  2. What an outstanding Idea.

  3. Won't change my vote. I'm still voting against Obama.

    1. Agree, it won't change my vote...he's a liar and believes that government can take care all of us.

    2. Obamacare is one of the nails in his coffin. The fact that it is so convoluted is exactly why so many people are running from it. I just keep thinking (and mentioning to everyone I meet) what a great job they have done with the Post Office, Medicare, Social Security and how they "pick" winners and losers and even their winners like Solyndra are losers. My prayer is that this man does not just lose but that he is beaten like a snare drum. That his legacy is that he replaces Jimmy Carter as the worst president EVER!!

    3. It's also called Romneycare. Ironically enough, I'd rather have Romneycare as it's pretty much the same thing with an option to buy into Medicare.

    4. Nobody knows what is in Obamacare and I mean nobody! Not Obama, Not Harry Reid, Not Santa Claus, nobody. The reason is very simple, the chairs haven't been filled. The committees need to be formed and the hundreds and thousands of pages of new regulations need to be written. We all talk about a bill that is 2,500 pages long, but the end result will be over 250,000 pages of bureaurcratic wet dreams. Sorry for the vulgarity, but there is no better way to describe it. Obamacare was a blank endorsed check for massive transfer of power from the people of America to the Executive branch of the U.S. government. If you think that the result of this will be lower costs and a more efficient and effective health care industry you are sadly mistaken. Do yourself a favor and look up what a command economy is and find out how well it works for average citizens. On second thought just stay ignorant, you'll be happier..........for a while.

  4. Insurance companies will just increase their "costs" to match the 80/20 rule. That's what I would do.......

  5. Guess he learned from GWB, who had tax refunds of $300 sent to everyone. Obama's just were subtracted from the paychecks, so they went unnoticed.
    Don't you just hate it when Dems use Repubs political stunts? Remember the days when politicians just did the right thing without worrying about who would vote for them? ;)

    1. No, I dont remember those days. Im only 51.

    2. You would have to be at least 150 years old to remember that..

    3. I am so fed up with the lying bastards on both sides I don't evn pay attention anny more. I just vote against ALL incumbents in EVERY election. If everyone would do this we would affect change in this country almost overnight

    4. "I just vote against ALL incumbents in EVERY election."
      Best idea ever!!!

    5. yes, that is now considered a dream" However, the worst thing that I seen, before tis decision was made, was when nancy Pelosi said, " you have to vote it in, to see what is inside it"
      Those exact words, should be enought to impeach her, that is as corrupt as they come.

    6. Voting out all incumbents is easy nice for lazy folks. But it penalizes the ones (few) who do the right thing which doesn't help the cause. Try to find out how the incumbents voted on important issues and then vote them out. ha

  6. That's a superb, excellent idea, but even better (IMHO) is to
    1.) send it, instead, to someone who will apply it to ads exposing this and other dubious plans to buy votes (perhaps also listing the major Constitutional protections we've lost in the past 3 years) and
    2.) spread the word via blogs, word of mouth, etc. (only a small percentage of the voter population reads the economic news, I'd guess).

    1. I would agree; but why stop there. Let's talk about the Constitutional protections we've lost over the last ELEVEN years. Certainly spreading the word would be effective as well, since if they don't read the financial news, they might think they're better off than we know them to be. Great points.

  7. Which, G-d willing, means for Romney. Not my favorite of the GOP pool, but he will have to do. If we do not oust the imposter, we will no longer be "we the people," but "we the fools," and in four years, if it even takes that long, our Republic will most likely no longer stand.

  8. Thank heavens for obama. What would we do without him? I love to be exploited. I'd even take $151 to boot. My vote is worth $150. How did he know I needed one more dollar?

  9. Already got the rebate thru my employer, but without any detail on how it was calculated/determined; since it was more than $151, challenging the amount might be unwise? But we've seen this trick before as noted in other comments - receiving dollars via rebates obviously is money being returned to the source! Even if we see this gimmick again, it is still a gimmick, so what other surprises will the legislation bring? Some of the best parts of the original proposal were cut quickly; no doubt the lobbyists were very pleased, but how about us? Meanwhile my health plan pesters me to follow their plan to lower cholesterol, even though my numbers are right at the recommended limits. Having followed these issues closely since long before they started pestering me, I know there is little benefit, and much potential harm from the program they keep "offering" me. I've politely told them where I stand, but they keep calling.

  10. So for all of you who are decrying the WAY the rebate is coming as being political (and, I agree it is), do you not think that it is at least a SMALL STEP FORWARD that the insurance industry, whose only purpose is to deny us healthcare, is only able to provide their destructive service for a maximum of 20% profit instead of unlimited profit?
    Anybody who can afford health insurance and doesn't have it in this country is both a fool and a freeloader. Unfortunately there are no other choices. At least we can rejoice in the fact that it is a little more regulated now; they can't just skin us completely, just take it off our backs where it won't show as much.

    1. Don't you see that the original problem IS regulation? Why should the government limit the amount of profit that a PRIVATE company earns. Doesn't that seem way too intrusive to you? I want you to do some research. I want you to find out how many health insurance companies are available in your state. Then I want you to find out how much money those companies 'donate' to the government to stamp out any competition. The problem is there is NO COMPETITION! Insurance companies are in bed with the government. Limit the regulations and promote a free market and watch the problems disappear.

  11. I look at it this way:

    As screwed-up as many of you think this health care act is, at least it now has the GOP "considering" an alternative. At least it has BOTH sides thinking about affordable health care. I still doubt GOP will reveal an alternative, other than status quo.

  12. If anyone believes that cr__ I've got a bridge to sell!!!

  13. It will make no difference who you vote for.
    The president,like Queen Elizabeth,is merely
    a figure head.

    1. Sorry to say you are close to right. Thinking of writing in Ron Paul.

  14. The president is not a figurehead here. And actions like the recent illegal immigration move, the placement of key figures in DOJ, HHS, Treasurer, etc., and the appointment of Supreme Court Justices, all have huge impact.

  15. the new health insurance plans will mandate free yearly physical exams and $40-$50 co-payments for the first 2-3 doctor visits each year. This will catch serious medical problems early and the average person will not put off going to the doctor when they have a problem. "An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

    This will save lives and Millions of dollars over time. I recently switched to a "new" plan and my premium went up only 10% to cover the extra costs of the physicals and lower costs for initial doctor visits. All of this sounds like a great idea to me! The system we had was on a path for financial ruin that will bankrupt the country and all of us. It's far from perfect because it doesn't do enough to control costs, but this is only the beginning. The GOP is spreading lies to torpedo the plan but they haven't offered a viable alternative. Both sides are corrupt and I too will not not vote DEM or Republican in any election because they're all owned by wealthy donors and corporations. We are no longer a nation by the people, for the people. Take the money out of politics and the system will change. It will be a long battle because the congress, the white house, and the judges they appoint are the only ones that can change a system that benefits all of them. It's time for America to wake up ! But we are all too preoccupied with make a living and sending silly messages on our smart phones.

    1. I think you sound very naive. Early doctor visits do little to help your health except to cause you to pay into the system sooner (and therefore more). Doctors and their horrible medicines in general just make you sicker or even cause healthy people to become sick. They help lawyers who sue them after the damage is done. Take responsibility for your own prevention - avoid GMO foods, try to buy organic, stop eating fast food garbage and junk food (almost everything in the market). Don't like that advice? Want to keep drinking your coke, etc? Yeah I though so. No pills will help you.


  17. .
    From Anonymous above: "...the new health insurance plans will mandate free yearly physical exams"... FREE? The people who will be giving those "free" exams have to be paid. They need a facility to practice in. They need utilities. They need supplies. Blood tests and others must be performed. HOW CAN ALL THIS BE FREE?

    Let's level with each other now and say that yearly physical exams will be given at no cost to the person receiving them, paid for with somebody else's money. THAT is not the same as free.

    Remember that the federal government has no money. It does no work for which it can be paid. It can only (1.) increase inflation by injecting into the economy worthless "money" that it creates from thin air or (2.) redistribute taxation money that it takes from people who have earned it and gives to others, after subtracting its own operating expenses, of course.

    So, what happens when we run out of other people's money?

  18. The CONSERVATIVES haven't come up with any new ideas because they are the problem. Calling the cost a penalty or tax Insurance is a pool of money just like auto insurance. If the majority contributes for the benefit of the few it distributes the cost. Health check-ups won't be free as they will receive costs related to them. Keeping those folks without insurance from using the ER will save you plenty ( that You are paying for it now )
    I am FOR OBAMACARE or whatever you choose to call it !!!

  19. I got my "rebate" (bribe) in the mail a couple of weeks ago, about 150 dollars. It just pisses me off because the insurance company had just recently raised my premiums by 60 dollars a month anyway as they had been doing about every year, no doubt in anticipation of massively increased costs that will result from having to cover everybody for every little thing (I have to buy my own health insurance--a high-deductible+HSA plan ($7000 deductible)). JUST LOWER MY PREMIUMS, DAMMIT! I can't tell you how sick and tired I am of these economic illiterates who think that these government schemes are a good idea!
