Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Practiced Law Without a License

These interventionists really call for more and more laws and regulations, but think they are above it all, when it comes to their own situation.

Breitbart reports:
Speaking to Boston's 96.9 FM radio program "Jim and Margery" on Monday, Democratic Senate challenger Elizabeth Warren admitted that she is not licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.

According to reports from listeners, she claimed that she does not maintain a law practice. She also "said that she gave up her New Jersey  license because she could not keep up with the Continuing Education requirements," according to one listener who commented on Breitbart's Monday story, "Does Elizabeth Warren Have a Law License Problem?". 
Ms. Warren's statement comes as a surprise to the many clients she's provided legal services to over the past decade, including the law firm of Simpson, Thacher, and Bartlett, which listed her as "of counsel" in the 2009 brief they submitted to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of their client, Travelers Insurance.


  1. Ah, the MSM will sweep this under the rug...they like her!

  2. In some states they actually put scumbags who do this in jail.

  3. So you disapprove of someone practicing a profession without state approval? Odd, that.

    The purpose of a licensing requirement is to restrict the pool of labor in order to artificially inflate prices. There are many paralegals, if not "non-legals" of all sorts, who would make better attorneys than those who are licensed to practice law. Imagine how cheap legal advice would be if anyone who had demonstrated their ability in the law to the satisfaction of the prospective customer, could practice law without permission from the state.
