Robert P. Murphy
Robert Murphy visits the Robert Wenzel Show, where serious Paul Krugman bashing takes place. Murphy also discusses his time at New York University and the important contributions that the Mises Institute has made to the advancement of Austrian economics.
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2013 Interviews:
2012 Interviews:
- 12-09-12 - Oliver Stone
- 12-02-12 - Casey Mulligan
- 11-25-12 - Laurence Vance
- 11-18-12 - Judge Andrew Napolitano
- 10-28-12 - Robert Pozen
- 10-21-12 - Jeff Connaughton
- 09-30-12 - Trace Mayer
- 09-23-12 - Jim Rogers
- 09-16-12 - Jesse Ventura
- 09-09-12 - Steve Forbes
- 09-02-12 - Neil Barofsky
- 08-26-12 - Lew Rockwell
- 08-19-12 - Butler Shaffer
- 08-12-12 - Scott Horton
- 08-05-12 - Livia Elena Araujo PĂ©rez
- 07-29-12 - Stefan Molyneux
- 07-22-12 - Robert Shapiro
- 07-15-12 - Bill Bergman
- 07-08-12 - Robert Morrow
- 06-24-12 - Walter Block
- 06-17-12 - Tom DiLorenzo
- 06-10-12 - Peter Schiff
- 06-02-12 - Gary Johnson
reminds me of the rise of Brazilian Ju Jitsu and MMA in martial arts. All the sudden teachers had to prove their moves worked and often they didn't.