Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Half-Naked Ivy League Prof Opens Quantum Physics Course with 9/11 Footage, Hitler

Here's the blow-by-blow from Bwog on what went down at Colombia University.
According to our reports, the first class of the physics unit was running a bit late when the lights went out. When they came back on, professor Emlyn Hughes was in the spotlight.

Then Snoop Dogg's "Drop It Like It's Hot" started playing in some sort of weird combination with deadmau5, Billy Joel, and Die Antwoord and he started to undress and put on a hoodie and sunglasses. After that, he curled up into a fetal position in his chair as images of 9/11, Nazi Germany, and North Korea started playing on the projector.

Finally, the show was interrupted by ninjas who appeared and smashed puppets onstage.

HT to Gawker, which notes: Tuition at Columbia is $22,000 a semester.


  1. Sounds like he could use a few weeks at Bellevue, willing or not. I think there's a Spanish prof and some campus cops at Columbia who can help get him there.

  2. No one's asking the important question: will any of this be on the test?

  3. I'm glad that the professor sounds exactly the way a physics professor should sound: the height of arrogance mixed in with a voice that inspires even chemists to take his lunch money.

  4. Education is not what it used to be: educational. This is just what you can expect in the finest schools of a dumbed-down nation. It used to be that a professor would carry themselves with some modicum of decency, i.e., they would dress better than their students. No more. Now they act even worse than the students, because unlike the students who who pay, these sorry excuses for professors are paid to be assholes who party and streak and act like Animal House frat boys. The difference here is that the professors never have to worry about being disciplined by paddle or pink slip. They're tenured.

  5. $50k/year you poor chumps.

    Momma/Daddy should have helped you start a business instead.

    Unless your one of the lucky ones that got a gov't backed student loan, in which case now you're doubly screwed...because not only are you paying interest on your most likely worthwhile investment-when you finally realize it's a failure you can't file bankruptcy and start over....unlike a business venture.

    1. I'm more impressed by an 8 year old with the gumption to start a lemonade stand the day school lets out for summer than a 23 year old with a useless, overpriced degree from Columbia or any of these so called "institutions of higher learning".

  6. Forget the "stage show" for a moment. Teaching Quantum Mechanics in an auditorium????

    I'm sure this shit hasn't changed in decades. Professors get on stage in a large auditorium and babble for an hour. No real interaction occurs. The students walk out without any more clues to the subject matter than they had going in. Then, the "classes" are broken up into roughly 30-person sections where the graduate-student TAs actually teach the material covered by the "professor."

    During the short time I was an astronomy TA in graduate school, I was told by a lot of students that the only time they learned anything was in my classes; the professor's lectures were incomprehensible.

    The whole educational system is an antiquated, inefficient mess.

    1. Amen.
      Thank god there's:
      Math: Khan Academy
      History, Logic, Some Econ: Liberty Classroom
      Econ, History: Mises Academy
      Now, none of these are "accredited" (yet). That's a drag. But you (or your kids) can LEARN at these places, then get credits at the local J.C. (that'll be a cakewalk after the REAL learning they've done)
      At the last second, transfer to a state U. and graduate with a B.S.
      Anyhow, that's the plan I'm pitching to my youngest.

  7. That's actually Lil Wayne's "Drop it like it's hot". Come on Wenzel, keep up with the times!

  8. You're giving the guy too hard a time. He's engaging in some theatrics to make the emphatic point that this stuff is different and you will need to unlearn what you know about how the world works to really understand it. I'm sure he got everyone's attention.

    1. He could make the point by simply saying it instead of acting like a douche bag that makes students wonder if their teacher robbed all their drugs from their dorm rooms.

  9. If the point was to be completely confused and ready to consume anything that made the least bit of sense to my traumatized brain... Nailed it! ...and I wasn't even there.

  10. Sounds like a premise of a episode of the TV show Community.
