Saturday, February 23, 2013

The 18 State-Sanctioned Women's Hair Styles of North Korea

The fine art of totalitarianism.

(Photo: David Guttenfelder, AP)


  1. It feels like this will be coming to the U.S. soon.

    Attention all males, last names beginning A through D, report to Walmart for your state-sanctioned haircut on Mondays only.

  2. With the USPS selling its own fashion line now, I wonder how long it'll be before the Obama administration rolls out its Napolitano-Reno-Kagan-Sotomayor line of women's hairstyles.

    All voluntary, of course. For now.

    But why wouldn't you want to look like a member of the power elite, citizen? That sounds awfully un-American, dear citizen.

  3. 18 choices? Seems like freedom to choose to me.

  4. Coming to the USSA soon.

    I bet only evil "terrorists" refuse to comply.

  5. resource based haircuts. RBH. choose one:)

  6. Hmmm, North Korea has been rather naughty lately, getting all uppity and stuff. Wonder whether this is a bit of CIA/KCIA propaganda. We must invade to save the women! The fashion horrors of only 18 hairstyles! It's worse than an abaya! What next, only pumps no heels? Twelve approved colors of lipstick? Send in the damn drones! For Freedom!!

  7. I simply wonder how one gets to a long hair style from a short version? Would one be "illegal" for 8 months?

  8. I bet some future government here will refuse to allow more than 3.

  9. I like style #12 the best as it seems most modern to me

  10. That is freedom according to statists, because they don't HAVE to choose option 1 if they don't want to.

    If anyone doesn't want option 1, then they can move to option 5omalia.
