Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gary North: Introduction to the Ron Paul Curriculum


  1. I am losing all respect for Ron Paul... That he has anything to do with Gary North makes me question his character. North is insane.

    1. Why do you say he's insane? The stuff by Gary North published on LRC is good.

    2. The idea you can coerce children with a curriculum to transform them into Austrian economists will not work. Children naturally are interested in liberty.
      Good luck with "assigned" weekly essays to engender a love for libertarian thought. Wouldn't it be interesting to apply libertarian principle of non-aggression to children?

    3. Our current education system has coerced children in believing all sorts of junk. I think you underestimate the power of indoctrination. Perhaps it isn't 100% successful but it is more successful than not.

    4. Will coerced children every day in schools across the country... you underestimate the power of indoctrination.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wenzel, you're a real piece of shit for censoring that comment. Why do you protect North?

    1. For the record, I am much more lenient in allowing commenters to be abusive towards me than my friends and acquaintances.

  4. North does indeed write some good articles on LRC but the problem is you really cant trust him. Dominion Reconstructionist Theology


    from pages 24 and 25.
    "As a tactic for a short-run defense of the independent Christian school movement, the appea lto religious liberty is legitimate. Everyone who is attempting to impose a world-and-life view on a majority (or on a ruling minority) always uses some versino of the liberty doctrine to buy hjimself and his movement some time, some organizational freedom, and some power. Still, nobodly really believes in the whole idea. ..........

    so let us be blunt about it: we msut use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious nuetrality, no nuetral law, no nuetral education, and no nuetral civil government. Then they will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God......

    Theocracy must flow from the hearts of a majority of citizens.....""""

    1. Homeschooling and libertarianism are already misunderstood and misrepresented enough; but the inclusion of Gary North on such a highly visible libertarian homeschooling project is a veritable gift to the statist propagandists. North is certainly entitled to his own religio-political beliefs, and he does indeed write well on economics. However, the thoroughly unlibertarian attitudes which inform and compose his Dominionist/Reconstructionist worldview --- and his open advocacy of Iron-Age barbarity (public stoning for recalcitrant children and a host of other "offenders," anyone?) -- make him a huge albatross around the neck of this and practically any high-profile libertarian project. What is Ron Paul thinking? And what the heck is Tom Woods thinking?

    2. Wow, a lot of misspellings in that "quote".

  5. I'll say it again: Gary North -- meh. I've enjoyed some of his articles in the past, and I'm willing to give the guy a pass since he's in this liberty movement.

    The things I don't care for are admittedly superficial, but since this homeschooling enterprise is a product they're selling to homeschool families, I'll share them:

    * I thought this was the "Ron Paul Curriculum" -- it appears North is front and center on this initiative. Ron Paul's the draw here & definitely not North. Let North fade into the background.

    * The new ronpaulcurriculum.com site looks like a copy of the low-rent garynorth.com. It sports a terrible design and uses a dead-end technology. Ron Paul has a vibrancy that surpasses his age & this site does him no justice. There are so many great (and free) web technologies available today and we get this turd.

    * I suspect some answers in the FAQs are an attempt at comedy or whatever, but they just sound arrogant. In fact, the tone of the site doesn't sound like it's coming from Ron Paul at all.

    These obviously aren't (and shouldn't be) showstoppers, but they really take away from the package. I guess I had higher expectations than this. Take Mises.org for example. They would have been better off modeling the site after it.

  6. I consider Gary as a friend and mentor. He has never been ashamed of his religious views and makes it known to his readers. He has done yeoman's work in furthering the libertarian movement in the scholarly journals. His paper on Coarse was one of the best written and opened the door to the hideous agenda of the Chicago School. It's sad that "libertarians" would ridicule an author because of his religious views.

    1. Read Zippy D's comment above, as that person articulated the sentiment well.

      Do you mind elaborating as to how theocracy is compatible with libertarianism? As you know, theocracy is essentially what North advocates. He wishes to impose his religious beliefs on others in a very brutal way, and that is the issue I have with him.

  7. http://reason.com/archives/1998/11/01/invitation-to-a-stoning
