Friday, September 27, 2013

Price Controls Rap Song by Liberty Bard

The Liberty Bard is a financial analyst and CPA.

(ht Walter Block)


  1. Of course God should determine prices. Price controls are a sin punishable by stoning in the public square (family members must participate).

    weights and measures must not be tampered with (Lev. 19:36

    1. If by God you mean the free market which relies upon both producers and buyers agreeing on a mutual price point that works for each then Yes you are correct.

  2. Liberty Bard better not give up his day job.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I do not plan to give up my day job anytime soon. However, these lyrics will sound great once I find the right liberty oriented musician to work with I promise. : )

  3. Thanks so much for posting this song for me, it means a lot.
    Mic - I do not plan on giving up my day job, but thanks for the tip.
    I am quite aware that I cannot sing or "rap" however, I do like to write lyrics and when I write lyrics I want them to have some meaning.
    Lately since I have been reading more Rothbard, Von Mises, etc. I like to take their ideas and turn them into songs. Since the dumbed down American populace doesn't like to read and just takes what the MSM says as gospel, I am hoping that some of my lyrics will perhaps inspire some people to ask questions about economics and that may lead them towards Austrian Economics.

    Here is my blog if anyone wants to hear more of my songs and lyrics. Ideally this song will sound much better once I can find a musician to cover it. This is just the raw materials so to speak, not a finished product. I would also like to collab with some video producers who could create better video content to match the lyrics.

    JJ3 The Liberty Bard
