Thursday, October 24, 2013

George Soros Backs 'Ready For Hillary' PAC

Just in case you didn't realize Hillary is bought and paid for.

“George Soros is delighted to join more than one million Americans in supporting Ready for Hillary,” said Michael Vachon, Soros’s political director, in a statement. “His support for Ready for Hillary is an extension of his long-held belief in the power of grassroots organizing.”

Soros will co-chair the PAC's national finance council.


  1. This is the Ready for Hillary to be Deported PAC, right? OOOOOOHHH where do I sign up...

  2. "Grassroots" and "Soros" in the same sentence -- oh the hubris!

  3. On the bright side, at least she's more competent than Obama. Such a low bar.

    1. @Anon: True, but she'll do even more for the oligarchs than the bumbler,
      although he has tried his best. Hilary would be our last chapter, but she
      would love the job.
