Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Police Plant Drugs On 5th Grader During Fake Raid, Kid Gets Mauled By Police Dog

An unidentified 5th grade boy in Brazil. Indiana was attacked by a police dog during a staged raid at a recent drug awareness event. All the boy did was hold the real drugs one of the officers handed to him, according to The Inquisitor.

The 11-year-old has been treated for minor injuries after a K-9 dog bit him in the left calf at the Red Ribbon Awareness week kick-off event at the Clay County Courthouse Thursday, authorities said

“It was an unfortunate accident,” Police Chief Clint McQueen told the Brazil Times. “Wish it hadn’t happened like that but it did. We are trying to evaluate (the incident) to make sure nothing like this happens again.”

To make sure things like this don't happen again, drugs should be legalized and police step down from these chilling militarized programs.


  1. If this had been a private citizen's dog, it would be slated for execution, or more likely summarily killed by the police on the spot, along with a fine for the owner. Any bets that the police and their attack dog get off scot-free?

  2. “It was an unfortunate accident,” but our investigation has shown our officers are not at fault, behaved professionally as trained, and if they had not been there, it would have been much worse.

  3. If you find a taker, make sure you mention Bob's fog machine.

  4. in a related story, police gun down three 5th grade students who were late for class.

    “It was an unfortunate accident,” The Police Chief told the Brazil Times. “Wish it hadn’t happened like that but it did. We are trying to evaluate (the incident) to make sure nothing like this happens again. It really fucked up our Red Ribbon Awareness week kick-off event, and boy, are the kid's parents pissed..."

  5. The sad part of this story was that the boy's mother "understood" and wasn't angry. She should pull her child out of the government-run school immediately and not look back.

    1. See, this is what I mean. Most people are so blind and look on government with such sick reverence that they are just WORSHIPING government as if it is some sort of god. If some random person did this the mother would be totally outraged! But since the Great God Government does it somehow it's just fine and dandy.

      Fucking idiots!

  6. I may be deemed to be suffering from Paranoia By Proxy but the system whereby people can comment and be given the monicker "Anonymous" needs to be improved. Identify different postings by an added number string in a way that is known to the moderating staff but not passed on to the viewing public.How else can we discern the different message strands if all anonymous contributions are all given the self same identity? In the past haven't mixers and trolls seen fit to stir up anger and try to heap ridicule on a participant by pretending to be the same 'Anonymous' who has recently posted and thereby made another 'Anonymous' seem to to have lost their composure?

    1. ""Anonymous" needs to be improved. Identify different postings by an added number string in a way that is known to the moderating staff but not passed on to the viewing public.How else can we discern the different message strands?".


