Saturday, November 16, 2013

As The World Turns

By, Chris Rossini

Below you'll find snapshots of how major markets around the world ended the week.

U.S. - Dow Jones Industrial Average +1.27%

China - Shanghai Composite Index +1.41%

Japan - Nikkei +7.66%

UK - FTSE -.22%

Germany - DAX Composite +1.00%

Spain - Madrid General Index -.63%

Brazil - Bovespa Stock Index +2.30%

Israel - Tel Aviv 25 Index +.41%

Switzerland - Swiss Market Index +1.05%

Gold +.05%

Silver -3.40%

Crude Oil -.65%

U.S. Dollar Index -.49%

Euro +.94%

U.S. 30YR T-Bond Yield -1.07%

Bitcoin Price = 435


  1. West To East Gold Distribution Update
    Just the official route has brought 826 tons of gold to China year to date, annualized 1100 tons. If we add 400 tons Chinese mining supply the total is 1500 tons that will meet demand.
    Whilst the World Gold Council estimates Chinese consumer demand will be over 1000 tons, my estimate is it will be over 2200 tons. In my humble opinion just the official route raises a few eyebrows to the WGC demand numbers. If we then take into account gold is also imported by China through other ports than Hong Kong, more eyebrows are raised.
    In a future post I will describe in detail how I calculated my estimate.

  2. The chart of the S&P 500, $SPX, SPY, manifested a close at 1798; up 1.6% for the week.

    The Janet Yellen confirmation hearing, a buy of the Euro, FXE, and a sell of the Japanese Yen, FXY, and a leaked Chinese economic policy document purporting free enterprise in China, drove stocks higher to attain peak stock wealth. Yet the death of fiat money, that is Credit, AGG, and Major World Currencies, DBV, and Emerging Market Currencies, CEW, came with bond vigilantes calling the Interest Rate on the US Ten Year Note, ^TNX, higher from 2.48%, beginning October 23, 2013. When the currency traders sell the EUR/JPY, global financial institutions, IXG, and World Stocks, VT, will collapse like a house of cards. The world central bankers and regional nannycrats are introducing diktat money to replace fiat money, with the aim of establishing regional security, stability and sustainability.

    Please consider that acting behind the scenes, Jesus Christ, in oversight of the economy of God, that is in administration of all things economic and political for the completion and fulfillment of every age, epoch and time period, a concept presented by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:10, enabled the bond vigilantes to call the Interest rate higher on the US Ten Year Note, ^TNX, higher from 2.48% on October 2013, pivoting the world out of liberalism’s fiat money system, into authoritarianism’s diktat money system.

    As seen in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, that is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, a dream given by angels to John the Revelator, while living in exile to the Isle of Patmos, in his 90s, Jesus Christ on October 23, 2013, opened the First of Seven Seals of The Scroll, Revelation 6:1, containing the details of the culmination of history, Revelation 1:1, which releases the First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Rider on the White Horse, who has a bow but no arrows, signifying his role in effecting a global coup d’etat, transferring sovereignty from nation states and bankers to nannycrats and regional bodies, as they come to rule in regional governance, effecting totalitarian collectivism, in each of the world’s ten regional areas.

    Just this week, Eurozone nannycrats began EU fiscal rule, by exercising in policies of diktat in regional governance and schemes of debt servitude in totalitarian collectivism. The Telegraph reports The EU Uses New Budget Powers To Demand More Austerity In Italy And Spain The European Commission has exercised historic new EU powers allowing it to revise national budgets for the first time.
