Saturday, November 16, 2013

WARNING: ‘Knockout’ Game Targeting Strangers

The latest from LBJ's great grand kids. The government has done a great job of educating and teaching basic civility to these clowns.

Be alert. Watch out for packs.

(via Drudge)


  1. Unbelievable...can these thugs be considered humans?

  2. Is this not the morality of the state on display?

  3. Two words: concealed carry. Don't wait for the police or the criminal 'justice' system to come to our aid. This sort of behavior will stop when the try to knockout someone packing heat. After a few knocker-outers get shot, I'm guessing the popularity of it will decline.

    Gary North has good article on it on his site.

    1. I can't wait till victims and general public turn into vigilantes and put them down like rabid animals.

  4. Question, granted I've been reading EPJ for a few years but I've never gotten the LBJ's grand kids meme. Can someone explain it?

    1. LBJ's great society policies sought to use the state to replace an actual father figure in many lower-income households, specifically that of minorities.

  5. The kids came about with their reckless attitudes because of LBJ's Great Society policies, hence, LBJ's great grand kids.

  6. They are the great granchildren of LBJ's " War on Poverty "

  7. Two words: Protection Dog.

  8. their can be a exclusive style of totally free video game when you play your current characters in a switch centered technique vogue.
    FRIV games and y8 games

    1. you need a hobby , loser .

  9. If Obozo had sons.....

  10. Here is a scene from the second greatest anti-state movie ever made....the first, of course, being Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:

  11. This demented "game" has been going on for years now. It's nothing new. Notice how the perpetrators are usually black and the victims usually white. What is really going on here is a low level, pervasive race war that the political/media establishment keeps hidden with false reporting. Black on White crime is usually violent and often racially motivated but rarely is that acknowledged by the establishment.

    These feral black youths are hunting vulnerable, naive white people who are unaware of the hidden race war going on all around them. Although I feel badly for the victims of this brutality I also wonder how completely clueless you have to be to let your guard down in public with roaming bands of LBJ's sociopathic progeny on the loose.

  12. JW says that the solution to this problem is to give them more money.

  13. This is just sick! Besides the hit causing damage the falling on the face can knock out teeth and all kinds of head trauma...and they wonder why people worry about being around them?? But according to Anonymous it is the "naive white people" letting down their guard that are causing the problem? And Obama said he was so unfairly stereo typed when people would be "on guard" when he was around...this is a prime example why people are afraid. And where are the Black Leaders comments on this kind of behavior???

    1. "And where are the Black Leaders comments on this kind of behavior???"

      You do realize thats just as collectivist as those who are trying to paint this as some secret race war right?

    2. NY Cynic,

      Before you rush to deny reality, you may want to consider that another name for the "game" is Polar Bear Hunting.


    3. @Anon 10:47

      Whos denying reality? Im arguing against being collectivist. Some random black "leader" shouldnt be held responsible or required to condemn someone because another individual of his race committed a crime. That contradicts libertarian thought, that type of group responsibility mentality belongs in paleocon and liberal circles.

    4. @NY Cynic you're grossly misusing the term collectivist. Collective behavior patterns exist.

  14. This is great, but law must be passed to limit the game targets to bankers, attorneys, politicians, and similar filth.

  15. 1911=BLACKOUT! Let's play!!!

  16. So glad I don't take any of you people seriously. It'll be great when the right wing dies off.

    1. You don't take these people seriously, but yet you took the time to comment, on a blog you don't take seriously. Seriously, you can fuck off.

    2. A bird of prey with only one wing is still a bird of prey. That is, it is not left vs right issue. It is the gov vs the people who are forced to finance that gov. The way we organize police protection will never prevent this game. On the other hand, this game does not exist on private streets with private security. Monopoly police protection is the problem.

  17. I can't wait till victims and general public turn to vigilantes,like the 1984 subway vigilante in nyc, a few hundred of them around will send a chilling message to those thugs..

  18. "Reports: Alleged trend of 'Knockout Game' a myth

    But police officials in several cities where the attacks have been reported say the Knockout Game is an urban myth, and that attacks that have received recent attention in the media have been random assaults, the New York Times is reporting."
