Thursday, January 9, 2014

End of Year Report from Laurence Vance

Laurence M. Vance is one of the most important libertarian writers that is writing today. His writings are always consistently libertarian. He is also not afraid to take on the tough issues, e.g., see his writings on the military and veterans, and he is incredibly prolific.

He has sent along this email:
Here are my four newest articles and attached is my "end of the year report"


Laurence M. Vance End of the Year Report for 2013

2013 was my most productive year in the 23 years that I have been writing.


I published three new titles:

Social Insecurity

War, Christianity, and the State: Essays on the Follies of Christian Militarism

War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy

A book of mine from 2012, The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom, is now available from as an audio book.

I just about finished two new books:

The Making of the King James Bible. Expected publication date is first quarter of 2015.

King James, His Bible, and Its Translators (2nd ed.). Expected publication date is the first quarter of 2016.

All of my books are listed here.

Lectures and Speaking Engagements

I spoke four times in 2013.

I spoke on March 23 at the 2013 Austrian Economics Research Conference in Auburn, Alabama, on the subject of “Alexander Campbell, Tolbert Fanning, David Lipscomb: A Nineteenth-Century Anti-War Triumvirate.”

I spoke on March 21 at the 2013 Austrian Economics Research Conference in Auburn, Alabama, about my book The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom.

I did a radio interview on March 4 with Mike Church of the Mike Church Radio Show about my article “The Federal War on Hemp.”

I did a radio interview on March 4 with Scott Horton of the Scott Horton Radio Show about my book The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom.

All of my speaking engagements are listed here.


I was recently quoted in these two articles. I have forgotten the other articles from 2013 in which I was quoted.


I mainly blog for I made hundreds of posts in 2013. Follow them all here.


I had over 100 original articles published in 2013 in the following publications or websites:
Future of Freedom
FFF Daily
The New American (print magazine and online)
Bible Editions & Versions
Journal of Dispensational Theology

Many of these articles were reprinted at various websites.

One of my articles on the Second Amendment was included in the new expanded edition of The Tyranny of Gun Control.

All of my articles that are available online are listed here by source and here by topic.

Due to many requests over the years, I have added to my website a list of eight articles that provide an overview of my worldview and philosophy. See the articles here.


Due to circumstances beyond my control, look for only about five to six articles a month in 2014. Funds permitting, I hope to send to the printer The Making of the King James Bible by the end of the year for publication during the first quarter of 2015.

I need to reprint my book The Other Side of Calvinism. This will be the fifth printing of the revised edition since it was published in 1999.

I have no lectures scheduled so far.

I try to send out weekly updates of new articles to those of you on my list. I will gladly continue to do so, but if you don’t read the articles or just want your name removed from my list, then let me know and I will promptly remove your name.


  1. I would rather go with the Geneva Bible that denounces kings and government leaders as tyrants. Whereas, the KJV distorts the language there by confusing the masses about authority. King James did this on purpose after deciding that the Geneva Bible was seditious because of the word tyrant being applied to his position. Therefore, he decided to do something tyrannical (irony) and distort the language.

  2. Laurence Vance is one the most courageous writers today on matters of the intersection of church and empire.
