Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Military Empire Game...And Its Disgusting Prizes

By, Chris Rossini

The terrible images coming out of Ukraine sum up government and power in a nutshell. Destruction is inevitably the result of all concentrated power. People do the most horrendous things imaginable both to attain it, and also to hold onto it.

No private individual, group, corporation, association or club could possibly come close to matching the death and destruction wrought by government power, or the desire to attain government power.

If all of life were conducted like government, I wouldn't be writing, and you wouldn't be reading these ideas...because all of life would look like the above photo.

There are an interesting group of people though, who revel in the stuff that's seen in the photograph. They're known as neoconservatives. These characters are always very far away from any danger, and enjoy all the fruits that peaceful and voluntary society makes available to them. At the same time, from their cushy offices, they spew the most unbelievable bile that push for one thing only: more U.S. war & domination.

The death and destruction that neocons champion are always directed at people who are "over there" and the concomitant suffering is both out-of-sight and out-of-mind. It's all a big game of control. And as a well-known neocon is about to show us, this game is filled with "prizes"!

Observe Max Boot describe Ukraine (my emphasis):
But don’t forget, this is a country of almost 45 million people, which was once the second-largest republic in the Soviet Union and today remains the biggest prize on the borderland between Russia and the West–between Putinism and freedom.
As Ukrainians destroy themselves, there are people who are halfway across the world, waiting to claim their "prize"...all in the name of "freedom," of course.

Here's a tiny taste (pun intended) of the "freedom" that the U.S. can pass onto Ukraine. Recently, a man with a medical condition tried to get onto an airplane with peanut butter. But the TSA stopped him from bringing it on. They declared the peanut butter to be a "liquid".

BoingBoing reports the rest:
But he cleverly spread the peanut butter onto some saltines, whereupon it was no longer a liquid and was allowed on the flight.
That's what "freedom" is turning into in America. The freedom to find the loopholes in a sea of regulations; all created by the biggest government that the world has ever seen.

Chris Rossini is on TwitterFacebook & Google+


  1. No private individual, group, corporation, association or club could possibly come close to matching the death and destruction wrought by government power, or the desire to attain government power.

    Great statement Chris. Do you mind if I use it from time to time? Of course giving credit where it's due.

  2. "The death and destruction that neocons champion are always directed at people who are "over there" and the concomitant suffering is both out-of-sight and out-of-mind."
    I have to disagree.
    The War on Drugs is mainly waged on the domestic front.
    Furthermore, when either money or politics curtail their imperialistic violent global intentions, the Wars will be brought home.
    With vengeance.

  3. War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.
    Peanut Butter is liquid and solid.
