Tuesday, February 18, 2014

U. Of Chicago Investigating How A Dead Body Remained Undiscovered In A Dorm For Days

ABC News Chicago reports:

Nicholas Brastins Barnes, a third-year student, was found dead in his dorm room at University of Chicago, school officials said. Police say he had been dead for some time.

Police found the 20-year-old's body on Saturday afternoon after other students in the International House complained of a smell. The last time he used his keycard to enter the dorm was on February 7.

"I don't understand how the people that live next door, and the people who were responsible for his well-being could have not seen that he has been gone for a week," said International House resident Jordan Ginsburg.

Barnes was majoring in Germanic studies and had studied in Austria in the fall of 2012, undergraduate Dean of Students Susan Art wrote to students, staff and faculty in another email.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry, the economics department has been brain dead for decades and no one has noticed...
