Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Your Daily Bitcoin Crash Update

Bitcoin is trading on Mt Gox at $267.63, on other exchanges it is trading in the $640 range. The all time high for Bitcoin was over $1,200. Mt Gox has claimed they have opened over a million accounts, many people are losing very big.


  1. The level of mislead on this blog over Bitcoin continues to grow.

    1. You mean by the people who continue to defend shitcoins, right? Yeah, I know! When will they learn, if ever? Buy Gold!

    2. It could prove foolish to underestimate the revolutionary potential this technology has. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

    3. Nah, we're just laughing at you.

      BUY GOLD!

  2. If people have bitcoins on Mt. Gox, they don't have to sell them on Mt. Gox. Why people would sell at those prices on Mt. Gox is beyond me when they can simply transfer them over to Bitstamp and sell them there.

    The street value of a bitcoin is around 650 a pop:


    1. You are a big supporter in the comments here at EPJ of Bitcoin, but do you really have any clue? My Gox has blocked the transfer of bitcoins out of Mt. Gox.

      See: Did the Government Force Mt. Gox Into a Bit of a Ponzi Scheme-Type Dancing?

  3. Yes, the free market can be cruel. "Buyer beware" reigns supreme when dealing with free market currencies. If the Gox users would have done their homework they would have stayed miles away.

    Gox accounts for a minority of the total exchange volume across all exchanges so it is important that credible journalists disclose this fact when reporting.
