Friday, April 18, 2014

Jim Bovard on Bitcoin

He emails:
It is most unfortunate that this Ponzi scheme has acquired a libertarian trademark in the popular media.
Bovard is author of  Public Policy Hooligan - Rollicking and Wrangling from Helltown to Washington.


  1. It's laughable what passes for something "mentionable" regarding bitcoin on this blog. Oh now you have some luddite who emails you his ignorant opinion. Wheee! Time it hit the presses!

    1. indeed! well, it IS Easter after all...maybe theres not much to write about.... Of course, everyone has an opinion about bitcoin - informed or not - and we all know what the old saying is about ends with "....and they all stink".

      I have found that the more visceral and irrational a person's belief in something is the LESS likely it is they have any idea about what is factually true about what they hold such a fervent belief about.

      ANYONE who knows even a little bit about Bitcoin knows this moron knows nothing of what he speaks. I don't care who he, or others, think he is. I don't need letters after my name to plainly see a stupid and emotional statement from a self important fool who considers his opinion important for what it is. An ignorant and belligerent attack based on a complete LACK of understanding.

  2. Bitcoin to the moon!
