Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kshama Sawant:The Future of Socialism in the US

From an interview with Socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant:.
Take for example young people who were very supportive of my re-election campaign. They are aware that they won't see the middle-class living standards of their parents. So they understood what my message was all about. Same goes about retirees and people of color. My support came precisely from those constituencies that are most directly affected by the inequalities and injustices produced by the capitalist system. My campaign mobilized over 600 volunteers. And I did run, of course, as an open Socialist Alternative candidate...

.It is true that capitalism has raised the standard of living in China and India and did so in many Western countries in the past. But we must not forget that the gains under capitalism have been achieved for the most part through class struggles. This is the case about the eight-hour workday, the unionization of workers, social benefits and so on. But capitalism is no longer achieving growth that benefits even slightly the working-class populations. Under finance capitalism, we have bubbles, volatility and chaos. Under finance capitalism, there is a tension between a booming economy and young people.

I believe that capitalism cannot offer a sustainable future. Human needs are simply not in congruence with a capitalist economy, which thrives on the maximization of profit. As for the financialization of the economy, the transition from industrial capitalism was made precisely because the system was no longer sustainable and it needed new profit-making venues. Now, every aspect of society is wrapped around financialization, making the many poor and the few ever richer.

[RW note: It is interesting that she sees the problem with the crony parts of Wall Street, but never links it to the Federal Reserve, which is what keeps the crony sectors alive!]

Socialism is the vision of a global society that allows a high standard of living in a sustainable manner without oppression and exploitation. Socialism is by definition an international project as it is nearly impossible to be established and thrive in a national setting. A socialist nation in a capitalist sea will result in the deformities that socialism experienced in places like the Soviet Union. So, as socialists, we must always work for the spread of socialism throughout the world and not confine our activities to our own local or national setting.

[RW note: Great plan Kshama, change the entire f'ing world. Please focus on that, you should have it done in no time. Tip: Start by converting the Boko Haram to your view, it's such a small group.]


  1. When socialism fails on Earth Kshama's descendants will proudly proclaim:

    "Socialism is the vision of a global society that allows a high standard of living in a sustainable manner without oppression and exploitation. Socialism is by definition an intragalactic project as it is nearly impossible to be established and thrive in a global setting. A socialist planet in a capitalist sea will result in the deformities that socialism experienced in places like Earth. So, as socialists, we must always work for the spread of socialism throughout the Galaxy and not confine our activities to our own planet or solar setting."

    As long as space is infinite and man is there to explore it infinitely, socialism will find a home.

  2. To build on your note Robert:

    "It is interesting that she sees the problem with the crony parts of Wall Street, but never links it to the Federal Reserve, which is what keeps the crony sectors alive!"

    It is also interesting that when socialists speak of financialization and all of the problems that it brings, they conviently forget that financialization in this country, and throughout the world, in this current era is brought about by a creation specifically called out for in the Communist Manifesto:

    "Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly."

    Point #5 of the 10 points of Communism.

  3. All of the Democrats are socialists and interventionists. At least she's open about it and doesn't pretend to be a liberal.

  4. What a delusional idiot. The Soviets had everything to create a self-sustained utopia....the land, the resources, the people. They did not fail because they were in a 'capitalist sea'.

    All the problems she hopes to credit to capitalism would be simply magnified on steroids. We already have a socialist corporate capitalist world. All problems brought about by the interventions and power grabs of her ilk.

    "Socialism....without oppression and exploitation". What a friggin' JOKE.......this idiot does not even know that this is the exact key to holding the whole rotten socialist Hell (not utopia) together. And of course, as ALL of the past socialist failures continue to be replayed......she can conveniently claim, as all the other socialist scum have, that somewhere in the world someone somehow is not following the central plan.
