Wednesday, October 18, 2017

White House Memo Claims NAFTA Led to Increased Abortions, Spousal Abuse

Peter Navvaro, memo writer
White House officials working on trade policy were alarmed last month when a top adviser to President Trump circulated a two-page document that alleged a weakened manufacturing sector leads to an increase in abortion, spousal abuse, divorce and infertility, reports The Washington Post.

The documents, which were obtained by The Washington Post, were prepared and distributed by
Peter Navarro, director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. They were presented without any data or information to back up the assertions, and reveal some of the materials the Trump administration reviewed as it was crafting its trade policy.

I have always thought Navarro was a nutjob even before this memo.

I wrote in August of last year:
Navarro is not exactly someone that you would describe as sound on basic economics, unless, say, you are a  member of the Flat Erath Society.
And then there was this: How the Hell Did Peter Navarro Ever Get a Ph. D. in Economics From Harvard?

But the memo reported on by WaPo makes him 100% certifiable.



  1. What? No mention of Chem Trails (tm) ??

  2. --- They [the documents] were presented without any data or information to back up the assertions, ---

    So, what else is new with this "Make American Grating Again" White House?
