Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Emails I am Getting About the EPJ Daily Alert

 Here is a sample of the emails I have received about the EPJ Daily Alert during this COVID-19 crisis period:
 "I literally anxiously await every alert.  It is simply the most informative letter that I read.  My watch alerts me to its arrival."-- R. C.

"I trust your analysis, because you do not hype things up and only speak of what you are fairly sure of. Thank you." --C.

"Been a Daily Alert Subscriber for years and best money I ever spent. The way you use your blog and letter to apply Austrian Economics and how you assess policy (politics) is truly awesome. You were the one that pointed out the error of Austrian Lites. You correctly focus on Money Supply... You’ve been ahead of the curve with the market through this development. Excellent." --C.B.

"Time is proving you spot on about covid.  Nice job!!"--J.F.

"Thanks for all the good analysis and info you've given out throughout the panic."-- G.L.

"But at the core thanks for your consistency. The most valuable thing I take away is the contemporary and practical application of economic and investing concepts."-- B.C.

"Love the newsletter."--C.A.

" Thank you, sir. I am a savvy trader and have made a significant positive return since the virus panic began by patiently but aggressively buying into the weakness in the risk tolerant portfolio..."--J. S.

"Are you going to roll out more leveraged positions next week? If the cases in NY peak in 10 days I’m guessing we have a very short window to get our positions in place. BTW I’m already up 100% on my USO calls - thank you!"--D.B.
Isn't it time you subscribe and find out what is going on at the EPJ Daily Alert during this crisis period?

There are recommendations for conservative investors, aggressive investors and businessmen that help identify opportunities during this crisis. (NOTE: Past spectacular recommendation to not mean future recommendations will be so.)

Subscribe here.

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