Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Justin Trudeau Names Super Lefty as New Finance Minister

Chrystia Freeland
Justin Trudeau has named Chrystia Freeland to be Canada’s new finance minister.

She is being tasked with nothing less than remaking the country’s socio-economic architecture, reports Bloomberg.

So what can Canadians expect from Freeland? Well, not exactly more freedom in the land?

In her inaugural news conference, she said Covid-19 offers “a fabulous opportunity for our country” to craft an “equitable” and “green” recovery.

In other words, she is all in on the big central planning "Great Reset" which will mean big government spending of money the country doesn't have.

It is defacto Modern Monetary Theory madness.



  1. Oh that's an unfortunate photo! So, like her outfit, her policies will sound like a nice idea until you see them in action.

  2. Are there massive price-floors in place in the dairy industry, that I failed to hear about? Because I'm seeing a huge glut of cottage cheese removed from the market and hoarded by producers.
