Friday, December 11, 2020

Is Joe Biden Choosing Susan Rice The Director of the Domestic Policy Council A Major Danger Signal For Free Markets?

Susan Rice

Joe Biden is doing a very curious thing. 

Yesterday, it was reported that he has chosen former national security adviser Susan Rice to run the White House Domestic Policy Council. It is the top domestic policy job.

The DPC was established under Bill Clinton by Executive Order in 1993. It coordinates the domestic policy-making process in the White House, ensures that domestic policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President’s stated goals, and monitors the implementation of the President’s domestic policy agenda.

Up until now, Rice has been a major foreign policy player. She was the  27th United States ambassador to the United Nations from 2009 to 2013 and the 24th United States national security advisor from 2013 to 2017.

So why is she being put in a domestic policy position?

It would be difficult for her to get Senate approval, because of her role in the follow-up to the Benghazi US embassy attack, for Secretary of State but Biden could have done like Obama did.

Obama named her National Security Advisor which doesn't require Senate approval.

Bottom line, Rice is a heavy hitter. For Biden to put her in the domestic policy position is probably signaling that there are going to be a major policy changes in the economic sector and general domestic policy under a Biden administration.

I smell Rice quarterbacking the globalist Great Reset for Biden.

This is extremely alarming.

Rice is a tough SOB and would be able to intimidate a lot of people in government and the private sector to get on board with the Great Reset program.

This is probably Biden's most dangerous move to date. It surpasses his naming the dangerous John Kerry as climate envoy, another backdoor position into the Great Reset. 


1 comment:

  1. Given RW's political strategy this could be good for libertarianism. Particularly if Biden is moved aside and Harris steps up to Presidency. There will be some very nasty women running the federal government. A Frankenstein of Hillaryites. Lots of policy targets for conservatives and libertarians. But I suspect lots of noise and little action on the liberty front. Command and control will remain the prevailing political trend.
