Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Family Hooker Business that Serviced Wall Street Players Busted by Brooklyn DA

Apparently some Brooklyn law enforcemnet officials haven't gotten the word from Eliot Spitzer that the country is stark crazy libertarian, and anything goes. Bess Levin has the details:
For those of you not intimately familiar with HCNY, it was a family business run by husband and wife Mikhail and Bronislava Yampolsky and their sons, Alexander and Jonathan. According to Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, customers “came from the financial markets, many of them hedge fund people, with nothing but money, willing to pay enormous amounts for God knows what.” Prices ranged from $400 to $3,600 per hour, and girls of every stripe were available, though, Hynes noted somewhat smugly, no Irish girls sullied their family names by getting involved (“There were full-service options [of women]. There were Europeans, Americans, Australians and people of all races,” Hynes said. “No one Irish


  1. We're never going to grow our way out of this recession if the authorities keep shutting down all of the legitimate businesses.

  2. @Joe Nelson.

    Good point. I mean, a self-supporting business, NOT asking for bail-outs, probable siphoning off some of the bail-out money back to the public, via voluntary transactions..

    Naah. Can't have that going on.

  3. If I was that rich, I would probably buy a lot of hookers too

  4. Yeah, not like those whores on Wall

  5. Maybe get some women and inject them with a little Black Widow DNA...They would be doing us ALL a favor.
