Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BBC Shows Bogus “Green Square, Libya” Celebration....

...with Indians (?) celebrating, not Libyans!!

These networks can't stop faking footage, even when they don't have to.


  1. Probably Indian Independence Day, August 15....

  2. And jackass liberal posters here complain about one dumb quote that someone faked, when the exalted BBC can't keep track of its tapes or its huddled brown masses.

  3. The idea for the original English TV show "The Office" came with working for the BBC. So one can only imagine the lazy government workers just throwing any old image on the telly so they can go home on time...waving the Indian flag with the spinning wheel in the middle and not noticed, seems there is a real life Michael Scott running the show over there.

  4. The BBC is definitely a fist of the empire.

  5. i dont think it was an indian celebration is probably the anti corruption protests led by anna hazare that was shown

  6. Googled "BBC shows wrong footage". Something to see!... and nope, they aren't doing this by accident, or coincidence. They are a totally covert gov't op. For now...
