Monday, March 11, 2013

Guess the Next Pope's Name

When the new pope is chosen, he will choose a new name. It will most likely be the name of a past pope. Economist magazine explains that popes have been picking new names since the year 533, when a pontiff decided to change his given name of Mercurius because it harked back, rather awkwardly, to a pagan god.

Guess what the next pope will choose for a name and enter it in the comment section. Pick the right name and you will receive a free six-month subscription to the EPJ Daily Alert.


  1. So, I guess we won't be placing these bets at Intrade...

    Ok, My bet is "Pius". It's popular and hasn't been used for a while.

  2. Easy, the next Pope will be Popuri who will attempt to cover the stench at the Vatican Bank...

  3. Replies
    1. I agree. Peter the Roman.

      And all that this name implies...

  4. My totally arbrirary guess will be Nicholas, for no reason other than its my own name and I should be pope.

  5. "Economist magazine explains that popes have been [choosing] new names since the year 533, when a pontiff decided to change his given name of Mercurius because it harked back, rather awkwardly, to a pagan god."

    How ironic because everything about Christianity generally and Catholicism specifically harks back to or comes from "paganism" from the story of Noah (Epic of Gilgamesh) to the Ten Commandments (taken verbatim from the Egyptian Book of the Dead) to the Virgin Birth (common mythological theme) to the Last Supper (the eating of flesh and drinking of blood, come on...).

  6. I think the next one will be a "Global Warming" enthusiast and will call himself "Prius I"

  7. I'm going with Anastasius. It just reminds me of my friend, Anastasia Beavearhausen.

  8. Boniface, possibly Boniface Kardashian.

  9. I am going with Pope Honorous

  10. After much thought and a little googling, they pick a South American who takes the name Antonio after Saint Antonio Galvao

  11. Gonna go with Gregory

  12. I'll choose John. The Vatican has been floundering for years with scandals and frauds. "John" might bring a sense of continuity with the past.

  13. I will go with Gregory, though the favorite of wags everywhere is Sixtus, since it would make him Sixtus the Sixth.

  14. If, as is rumored, the cardinals are looking for someone to establish an amicable relationship with the Islamic world, it matters little what name he chooses. He will be known as Pope Judas.

    My serious guess, though, is the heretofore unused Francis.

  15. Gonna go with Innocent, though he surely won't be

  16. Depends on who is chosen. If someone with a mainly liturgical bent wins, I'm guessing Pius. If someone with a concern for social issues, I'm saying Paul.

    If I have to pick one, I say Paul.

  17. celestine could be..celestine that it's the name I guess

  18. He will choose the name Emeritus, which will, of course, be very confusing.

  19. Thanks! How do I go about getting my 6 month subscription, since I nailed it with Francis?

  20. Congratulations to Clint and Tenbobnote,

    Email me your name, address and email address to and we'll get you started right away.

  21. How in the world? Are there really insiders who know more than the rest of us??
