Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elitists at Princeton Allowed to Take Vaccine Not Approved by the FDA

Students at Princeton University received meningitis vaccines this week after the Centers for Disease Control ruled that they could be given a vaccine as yet unapproved by the Food and Drug Administration. The strain of the disease affecting the campus, the B serogroup, is rare and no FDA-approved vaccine protects against it. The vaccine is approved for use in the European Union but not in the United States.

Jared Meyer comments:
If the CDC circumvents the FDA’s approval process for a group of Ivy League students, then the drug is clearly not dangerous—even for those not receiving an Ivy League education. If it is safe enough for the 500 million residents of the European Union, it should be allowed in America as well[...]Asking this question seems ridiculous, but this is a reality faced by millions daily. Cancer patients, diabetics, and those with heart problems or Alzheimer’s are all offered limited treatment options because of the FDA’s refusal to approve promising treatments[...]The FDA’s outdated ways harm people. It is time to stand up for medical advances and put an end to destructive policies that cause needless suffering. Everyone, not only Princeton students, should be able to take advantage of the latest in pharmaceutical innovation. 


  1. Gee, I wonder what kind of connections the Princeton students/faculty have to the FDA? The Princeton area is well known for its pharma industry.

  2. Aren't you sick of it?
    Credibility of the Ruling Elite is Being Shredded -- Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself
    Published on Dec 7, 2013
    On RAI with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says that while people are disgusted with the centers of power, unless there is a constructive alternative, any eruption will be nihilistic and could be fascist

    How would you like to be waiting on a drug for a child withering in front of your eyes while your other child is getting the drug and getting better through clinical trial?

    Update about 'FDA: Please, approve the medicine my boys need to survive -- both of my sons deserve to live' on

    I wanted to update all the people who previously supported my petition to the FDA to have both my children live. My son Max continues to do amazingly on eteplirsen. In fact, Max is doing so well his own doctor no longer considers that he has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy anymore. Depressingly, Austin continues to decline with each passing day since he does not have access to the drug.

    I felt that we were making great progress when Sarepta announced that the FDA was open to an NDA filing for eteplirsen. However, three weeks ago I was devastated when the FDA drastically changed course and said they believed an NDA filing for the drug was premature. The reasons the FDA gave for the about face were spurious at best. There are 3 facts that I would like everyone to be aware of. The drug is safe, the drug replaces the protein that these boys are missing, and every day that passes that the drug isn’t approved boys with DMD will lose function they will never regain.

    You see this is much larger than just my two boys. It is larger than just boys with DMD. This is about when a drug shows a positive risk benefit for people with terminal illnesses – the FDA should do everything in its power to accelerate access to dying people. Please continue to support me and all those who can benefit from life saving treatments. Please Call Janet Woodcock, the directer of drug evaluation and research at the FDA at 301-796-5253 and say "If my child had Duchenne, based on everything I know today, I would want this drug for my child- Please approve Eteplirsen now!"

  3. But Obamacare won't work and be completely useless...! (For those that don't get it: Why pay insurance when you can just buy a cheap and soon to be over the counter medical solution?)

    And, here we are arguing for economic "stability" and "fairness" with healthcare when really we ought to be looking for production and advancements. Arguing for scraps because it's all that we can see. It's so much easier to argue for the same-old-thing, the thing that we know, as Obama does instead of what could and should be in bettering the future, the thing that we have yet to discover. It takes faith to see what has yet to be.

    Probably, why the FDA got rid of the drug that cured the guy with stage 4 cancer. Yes, I'm calling it: They have the cure or a cure to cancer. The FDA due to centralization and benefits of people who control the government outlawed it; this under Obama and Bush. It's all a big fat lie.

    - JS

    1. Cure for cancer? Yeah. It's called cannabis.

  4. It's long past time for the FDA to go the way of the ICC.

  5. I sure as heck do Not want those vaccines, nor any vaccines.
    The FDA and the mom's of Max everywhere have no idea the stuff they inject even works. Consider this:

    "Let’s go deeper. In general, so-called contagious diseases are caused, not by germs, but by IMMUNE SYSTEMS THAT ARE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT OFF THOSE GERMS.

    When we put the cart and the horse in proper alignment, things become clear. I fully realize this isn’t as sexy as talking about bio-engineered gene sequences in viruses, but the cart and horse must be understood.


    Yeesh, The government knows it’s a medical killing machine

    1. reread the Max's mom post...those kids are waiting for a drug to be approved.

      One of the kids are getting therapy through the trial and is getting better it seems. The other child can't get the therapy and is declining in health and is waiting for fda approval.

  6. Just because the child is getting better, and the other is not, in no way, shape, or form, means the drugs are the reason. It's possible, but very unlikely, especially in light of all the other drugs that do not work, cause harm, and are part of a scam: Here's two more similar situations:

    Inappropriate Medicine

    Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up

    Now please go read the links and learn, and then see what you think.

    1. What are you talking about?...these exon skipping therapies are akin to repairing the defect. Maybe you should stop misinforming. We're talking cancer, als, parkinson's etc...not too much salt in diet and sugary soft drinks.
