Thursday, April 24, 2014

An Image That Gives Tremendous Hope To The Ideas of Liberty

By Chris Rossini

The following image, shared by The Atlantic, shows visually how a single Facebook status criss-crossed the Earth:

The fact that a single message can have such amazing reach poses as huge problem for authoritarians of all stripes.

Libertarians should cheer, for a life-vest has been (accidentally) tossed into our hands. It's up to each one of us to use it. Just look at the power that a single message can have. Be a firehose for liberty!

Chris Rossini is on Twitter


  1. still can't figure out why you feel so oppressed. what exactly is it you want to do but are not allowed to do? smoke pot?

    1. How about keeping 100% of the money you earn?

      Or are we crazy for feeling angry about having 30%+ stolen at the point of a gun year in year out?

    2. How about not live in fear of being SWAT raided for not paying a late fee?

      There are Over 50,000 SWAT Team Raids Annually in America

      In the 70s there were only a few hundred SWAT raids. You need statistics to really know what the situation is.

    3. People in this nation brought those SWAT raids on themselves. When you fall into corruption, you're going to pay the price. That's exactly what's happening, and now you have people complaining about police militarization, high taxes, etc. You reap what you sow. That's justice.

    4. ^^^ you're worse than Jerry Wolfgang. "The people" have fallen into corruption? "They" brought the swat teams on themselves?

      What the hell are you babbling about. The swat teams are funded by the stolen loot through taxation. Get a clue

    5. The problem Anon @ 11:33, is that you are:

      #1 Lumping everyone together in the same category, saying that even though some didn't choose such the things you point out, well that they are to suffer anyway.

      #2 Assuming that the "people"(in the majority sense I suppose, you didn't clarify) had any say in militarization, high taxes, etc.

      Are you trying to say that people had a chance to vote on the any of the above you list? Because really, they didn't . Those trying to use the current paradigm to pick the best candidate are routinely lied to, disappointed, etc. so that doesn't seem to be working either aside from the fact "the people" don't get direct votes on any of the above.

      Really, your statement makes no sense.

  2. Awesome post. The internet has undermined The Elite. They can't see how the world has changed.

    1. Wrong. The internet is a tool of the elite to usher in their one world government. You've been played, Rick Fitz. You reap what you sow. Next, you'll be accepting the mark of the beast and wondering where all your privacy went.

    2. Really? What EXACTLY is the mark of the beast, Anon?

    3. BTW, no googling; I'd like to hear it in your own words.

    4. There's no need to Google anything. There's this book called the Bible that tells you everything you need to know. Read Revelation 13:16, 15:2, 16:2, 20:4.

    5. "Wrong. The internet is a tool of the elite to usher in their one world government. You've been played, Rick Fitz. You reap what you sow. Next, you'll be accepting the mark of the beast and wondering where all your privacy went."

      LOL!!! I'm now wondering if this anonymous pseudo-Christian thing is just classic trolling. Probably some teenager.

      The internet a tool of the elite to bring about one world government. ROTFLMAO! This is great. Thanks for the laugh. :)

    6. Just as I thought, another biblical illiterate.
