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Below you'll find everything that has been published on EPJ for the week ended Friday November 9th, 2012. The hottest posts of each day are highlighted in red.
Every weekday begins with an installment of Morning Coffee with Murray Rothbard. These are short clips of the man himself speaking about a particular topic.
Most Commented Posts
- Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Falls Far Short of Goal of 5% of Vote
- Why Voting is for the Dumb
- "Obamacare Cost Me My Job"
- Murray Rothbard on the Mises Development of Business Cycle Theory
- Twitter Attacked? Strange Photos Appearing On Timelines
- Gaga Over Galbraith
- Another Puff Piece on Keynes
- A Father Supports His Communist Son
- A Reading List for Gary Johnson
- What's Missing from the "Fiscal Cliff" Discussion
- While MSM Screams about an Iranian Attack on an Unmanned US Spy Drone
- And Freedom for the People Took a Major Leap in Eastern Europe...
- Judas Christie at Work: New Jersey Charges 8 Businesses with Sandy Price Gouging
- Murray Rothbard on "Greed" and Price "Gouging"
- House Built Around a Giant Three-Story-High Bookshelf
- My Daily Target Practice
- Murdoch: Patraeus Resignation Very Suspicious
- A Reverse Assassination?
- Known Female Close to Petraeus
- Geithner Staying at Treasury into 2013
- HOT: Petraeus' biographer Paula Broadwell under FBI investigation over access to his email
- The Almighty Judas
- A Flood of Fallacies
- Murray Rothbard on The Bogus Balance of Trade "Problem"
- PPP Nailed It
- OMG: The Importance of Elizabeth Warren
- 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods in the U.S.
- Obama is the Least Skilled and Least Effective American President since Jimmy Carter, but He is Far More Menacing
- The Future: Fly From NYC To Tokyo In 90 Minutes
- Warmonger Praise for Rand Paul (Rand wins some support)
- Creativity vs. The State
- Greek Parliament Approves Latest Bankster "Austerity" Program; Unhappy Crowds Gathering
- Fatso Tweets: Free Rides to the Free Ferry
- What is the "Fiscal Cliff"?
- A "Fiscal Cliff" Calendar
- There's More MSM Coverage of Iran Firing on a US Drone...
- HOT: Bloomberg Does a Judas Christie
- What Would Have Occurred if NY and NJ Allowed Gas Prices to Climb after Hurricane Sandy
- Syria’s Assad to West: ‘I Am Tougher Than Gaddafi’
- Best Post Election Tweet Exchange
- Three Cheers for Gridlock!!
- CFA Institute Requires Knowledge of Austrian Business Cycle Theory
- Bob Woodward Warns on Government Secrecy, Including the Federal Reserve
- Oh Yeah, Bloomberg Has the City Really Prepared for an Emergency
- Lew May Replace Geithner at Treasury
- Ayn Rand Bashes Cato Shrugged Prez John Allison
- Murray Rothbard on the Relationship Between Ayn Rand and Mises
- Raimondo: Always Putting Things in Perspective
- Early Market Reaction to Obama Victory
- Obama' s Take on His Re-Election
- Soros on Obama Victory
- Lew Rockwell: Obama is the Choice of the Oligrachs...
- Michelle Bachmann Re-Elected
- How I Am Going to Prepare for Hurricane Obama, Now that Hurricane Sandy is Gone
- Let's Save This Tweet for Mid-2013...
- Will John Allison Be Too Embarrassed to Head To Work Today?
- Obama Wins a Second Term: Now What?
- British Have Invaded 90 Percent of the World's Countries!
- Libertarians...Get to Work!
- Did Obama Win Because He Knew Women Between 40 and 49 Have a Desperate Desire to Dine with George Clooney?
- How Going Over the ''Fiscal Cliff" Will Affect You
- Are Hospitals in Cahoots with Obama?
- Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Falls Far Short of Goal of 5% of Vote
- "Obamacare Cost Me My Job"
- Roubini Spots the Uptick in the Housing Market
- Harvard Business Review Promotes Politically Active Companies
- Why The Gas Shortage Was So Bad and So Local
- Here It Comes, The Republican Cave on Not Raising Taxes
- Murray Rothbard On What Type of College to Go To
- Wow, Here's a Guy That Wants to Change the Rules...
- You Just Never Know What You Are Going to End Up With in a Politician...
- Why I Don't Vote
- Henry Blodget and Nate Silver Don't Understand the Difference Between Case and Class Probability
- A Brave Man
- A New Yorker on Mayor Bloomberg
- 10 Best Performing Stocks Since the Last Presidential election
- Anonymous Reports: Jesse Benton Sabotaged Ron Paul's Campaign
- Abstain From Beans
- It's Election Day...
- Cato Shrugged Promotes the Myth that Reagan was and Romney is for Tax Cuts
- Dangerous When Guy Proposes Reverse Merger of FT, When He Has No Idea What a Reverse Merger Is
- Three-year Treasury Yield at Seven-Month High
- If Jonah Goldberg Only Understood Ludwig von Mises...
- The Vote that Really Counts!
- The Truth Will Out: Mises Institute Mentioned in U.K Parliament
- Beyond the Presidential Election
- Lefty Fed-Hater Alan Grayson is Back!!
- Another Rand Paul Supported Candidate, Richard Mourdock, Loses
- Murray Rothbard on Bank Runs and Bank Insurance
- Mises on Price Controls and Where to Get Cheap Gas...
- Whoa! Battle of the Oligarchs: Warren Buffett vs. Jack Welch
- Police Arrest Gas Buyer
- New York Fed Cancels Tours of Its Gold Vaults
- A Pre-Election Swoon in Consumer Buying
- Chanos Continues to Be Short China
- Other Cities Vulnerable to Superstorms
- Was Benghazi a Set-Up?
- Now US Navy is Arming Drone Boats
- What if Nobody Showed Up to Vote?
- Public Policy Polling: Florida and North Carolina Too Close To Call
- How DC Is Going to Ruin the Driverless Car
- How Appropriate: Depression Level Price on a Course on the Great Depression
- Hayek on Krugman
- What's the Perception of FEMA These Days?
- Sam Antar Asks: What is the Difference Between a White Collar Criminal Mastermind and a Successful Politician?
- Late Obama Surge: The Judas Christie Impact?
- How the Romney Campaign Believes It Can Win the Presidency
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