Below you'll find everything that has been published on EPJ for the week ended Friday April 25, 2014. The hottest posts for each day are highlighted in red.
Friday 4/25/14
- Why The Land Belongs To Bundy
- 11 Qualities Google Looks For In Job Candidates
- EXPOSED: The NYT Distortion of Cliven Bundy's Comments; Video Tape Emerges
- Has Rand Paul Become Just Another Bought and Paid for Tool of the Kochtopus?
- You Can Always Count on Jon Stewart to Advance NYT Distortions
- CALIFORNIA: Wall Street Crony Trails Registered Sex Offender in New Governor Poll
- Mom Takes on the TSA and the Mom Won
- Real Estate Prices in Hamptons Soar 40%
- 21 Songs/Artists the CIA Uses to Torture People
- BREAKING: Cliven Bundy Issues Statement to the Press
- #BundyRanch: This Land is Whose Land? The Hoppean Case for Cliven Bundy
- Hyperinflation Alert: Mugabe’s Party Weighs Reintroducing Zimbabwe Dollar
- Paul Krugman’s Solar Delusions
- The Fed's Hallucinogenics
- U.S. Airline Deregulation: The Next Step
- Friedrich Hayek Leaves a Short Statement to Future Generations
- Rand Paul Spent $264,475 on Postage in the First Quarter of 2014
Thursday 4/24/14
- Most of the Households in the Bottom 20 Percent Have Nobody Working
- CatFish Named Senior Editor at Fusion
- The Dirty Little Secret about the Koch Brothers
- HERE WE GO Cliven Bundy: “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro."
- What Happens if Eastern European Countries Grasp That They Are Merely Pawns in the Neocon Dream of World Domination?
- If Texas Were a Separate Nation, It Would Be No. 8 in the World for Oil Production
- BREAKING: Cliven Bundy Responds to NYT
- Rand Paul Slams Cliven Bundy
- President Signs Law, Bans Himself From Entering the US
- For Progressives, “Thoughtcrime” is Worse than Mass Murder
- On Negros in Vegas
- Apple’s “Suicide Factories”
- 750 Cheering Warmongers at Harvard
- An Image That Gives Tremendous Hope To The Ideas of Liberty
- The "There Is No Inflation" Report (Hawaiian Edition)
- Walter Block: "Jeffrey Tucker Went Off the Deep End"
- Democracy is a Joke
Wednesday 4/23/14
- What is Bitcoin? New Yorkers Say ‘Currency’ and ‘Shady’
- The 10 Most Affordable Housing Markets of 2014
- Tyler Cowen Skewers Thomas Piketty
- Rand Paul Makes a Muddle
- US was the World’s Largest Petroleum Producer in December for the 14th Straight Month
- Here's What $1 Million Buys In Housing Markets Around The Globe
- The Fed's Farcical Forecast Fiasco
- Note to Libertarian Bloggers: How to Boost Traffic to Your Sites
- Laurence Vance versus Rand Paul on President Obama
- Republicans & Democrats Will Never Shrink The Size of Government
- Is Jeff Tucker's New Site Just a Facebook Echo Chamber?
- The BLM Land Grab Endgame: Agenda 21
- WOW The Bureau of Economic Statistics Is About to Start Tracking the Economy in Austrian School and Rothbardian Fashions
- Another Object Lesson on How Jobs Will Be Lost If the Minimum Wage is Raised
- 'The Good Wife' and the NSA
- Married Lesbian ‘Throuple’ Expecting First Child
- "When He's Drinking,George Clooney Considers Himself a Close Personal Buddy of the President."
- Nationalism is the Natural Enemy of Empires, and It Seems on the Rise Almost Everywhere
- Oh Boy: "Six Reasons Libertarians Should Reject the Non-Aggression Principle"
- The Republican Party Should Be Abandoned; It is Pure Evil
- The "There Is No Inflation" Report [$2 million+ Homes In Naples Florida Edition]
- Bitcoin Price, YTD
- Liberals and Exorbitantly Priced Hovels
- Serious Financial Problems in Puerto Rico and What Should Be Done About It
- Bizarre Attack on Lew Rockwell
- The "There Is No Inflation" Report [Chipotle and Netflix Edition]
- Amazon Sales Take a Hit in States With Online Tax
- Data Collection Fraud Runs Rampant at Census Bureau
- Another Report from the Judge Napolitano Talk at NYU
- The Systematic Errors in Thomas Piketty's New Book
- FFF Economic Liberty Lecture Series: Walter Block
- Thomas Piketty Proposals to Advance Income Equality
- A Radical Way to Opt Out of Obamacare
- SFL Student Calls for "Body Positivity" Freedom and Freedom to Make Sexually Graphic Sounds
- Psychohistory and Paul Krugman
- How to Tell If You’re Dead
- Note to Those Who Want to Work for the Koch Brothers
- Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto Thanks Bitcoin Community: 'I want to hug you'
- Why Government Grows, and How to Reverse It
- New Book From Lew Rockwell on Anarcho--Capitalism
- A Casino Mogul and Baptists Team Up Against Online Gambling
- Napster Billionaire Wants to Make Government More Efficient
- NBC Orders Psychological Testing for David Gregory
- Krugman's One Note Short Discussion of Obama's Wealth Transfers
- Marx Rises Again
- Serious Plotting in Ukraine: Biden Arrives
- Cuba Has Centrally Planned Its Economy Into a Condom Shortage
- Ron Paul: Nevada Standoff a Sign of the Failure of Authoritarian Warfare-Welfare State
- Congratulations to the Golden State Warriors
- Easter Weekend in Rahmaland: 9 Dead, 36 Wounded In Shootings
- Did Kentucky Democrats Just Put a Major Barrier in the Way of a Rand Paul Presidential Run?
- Why the National Bureau of Economic Research Says the Economy is in Recovery
- "On Tour With Rock-Star Economist Thomas Piketty"
- A Quick Report on Judge Napolitano's Talk at NYU
- Today on The Robert Wenzel Show: President of The Heritage Foundation - Jim DeMint
- Overflow Crowd for Obama in Silicon Valley
- Paging Mark Thornton: Saudi Arabia to Begin Building World’s Tallest Skyscraper
- Macy's CEO: Increase in Minimum Wage Will Result in Layoffs
- Three New Hardcore Vance Articles: On the Poor Not Paying Their Fair Share, Strippers and Abolishing the ATF
- Announcing the EPJ Research Room
- How The Bird of Prey Operates
- The Militarization of Law Enforcement: We Are Up to 100 or so SWAT Raids per Day in the US
- How The Clinton White House Played Politics With The Minimum Wage
- How to Read Difficult Books
- The Money Haters in the Pope's Inner Circle (Though None of Them Have Proposed that the Pope Stop Money Donations)
- The Buffett Formula — How To Get Smarter
- OBAMACARE: Some Covered California Patients Say They Can’t See A Doctor
- Inside of King Abdullah’s Private Jet
- PETA Goes Anti-Egg and Uses Kids to Take on Michelle Obama
- U.S Tax Rates Compared to the Rest of the World
- The Real Lazy Way to Make Money: Confessions of a Paid Line-Sitter
- This Could Be a Huge Bargain: The Most Expensive House in Detroit
- FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States
- The Time Elizabeth Warren Nagged Tim Geithner to Put His Seat Belt On
- The Truth about Henry David Thoreau and Walden Pond
- 'Humanitarian' Libertarianism Destroyed by Jeff Tucker!
- Donald Trump on Obamacare
- Rahmaland: Top Cop Accused Of Manipulating Crime Statistics
- Judge Nap at NYU: CHANGE in Time
- McCobinism: Libertarianism Without the Principles
- Ron Paul: Bitcoin Is Not Money
Hillary's Undeclared Conflict of Interest on Snowden
ReplyDeletePresident Obama has a war on whistleblowers which Hillary will continue if elected President of the United States. Her skirmish on the Snowden affair reveals her desire to discredit a very important whistleblower.
June 2013 - Snowden blows whistle from work inside Booz Allen Hamilton
June 2013 - Carlyle group owns 69% of Booz Allen Hamilton
September 2013 - Hillary speaks at Carlyle Group's annual investor meeting for speaking fee of $200,000
February 2014 - Carlyle sells stake in Booz, ownership of company down to 53%
April 2014 - Hillary speaks of whistleblowing but does not declare her conflict of interest with The Carlyle Group, 53% owner of BAH.
I take it conflict of interest laws do not apply to the Hillary class.